Comments by opticon93

Please, Please, Please continue to make this Free.

I don't sing. I don't want to sing. But I love my favorite vocals and want them to be a part of my own songs.

Please make it cheap, if you won't make it Free.
@Bradc Yeah, your right, the random button is too much. Besides all of the silence, it can also completely blow up the track.

@Ortho. That is one of the most frustrating things. I see it all over the place and it seems random. I do my number boxes and dials the same way Live does in their examples. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't no matter what. Live went and supplied a whole bunch of specialized knobs and number boxes so that they automatically save their state. But they don't output their state when you reload a set. You can see that it says 5, but it hasn't told anybody else.

Anyway, I think the new version simplifies the way the device works. Let me know which way you prefer.
Hah, yeah, sorry. it turns out grainstretch~ (the ~ is important) is no longer available. Back in the 32bit days I had it for windows and it was amazing. Then they released only a 64bit mac version and so I haven't used it since 2016.

But it got me thinking about a few other grainers available in the Max Packages...
You guys on macs are lucky. Instead of using my polystretchers, you can replace them with grainstretch~ which pretty much does the same thing (and a lot, lot more) with a much, much smaller cpu hit. The helpfile has pretty much every thing you need.
@Irishmos I'm pretty sure that happens when the two samples don't have a lot of spectrum in common. For example if you lowpass the first sample and high pass the second. On the other hand, the Morphine manual is only a paragraph long and very vague.

You all might want to look at my Polystretcher device. The Morphiner is basically two Polystretchers slapped together with the Morphine object in between. The new version has slimmed it down under the hood, so it would be much easier to just cut and paste those than trying to make sure all the connections are correct.

Also, the polystretchers are basically "Pitch and Time Machines" created by Ableton, with a few bells and whistles from the "Building Max Devices" pack. So, I'm pretty sure its about as CPU friendly as it can get. I pretty much stick to basic/efficient modes and good quality at most. The only way to get less cpu would be to lower the polyphony. Currently, its at 5 notes for each polystretcher, for a total of ten notes, which is a lot (to me), especially with minutes of decay/release on each note.
Hi. it turned out to be easier than I thought to change the way snaps are put into the morpher. Now you can store into either position whenever you want.
Oh god the Octatrack. I spent half an hour with it in the shop. After the first five minutes, I could no longer get any sound out of it. But I kept trying.

I think just being able to load up either the A side or the B side of the slider independently fixes the issue, since you can just keep adjusting and loading new snaps to the B side.

I think it is achievable. But it might be awhile

Thats awesome, thank you.

Yeah, its a bit crazy. For example, Diva has 272 automatable parameters (Bazzille - 308). I'm kind of afraid my computer will start smoking. My Blofeld can randomize all parameters. They claim that is how they got many of the presets. When you do finally find something, you can be sure its technically never been heard before.
@FreddyFingaz It seems like it was easier than I thought to make an instrument version. I put it up here
Hi, Thank you, I'm glad you like it.

There are no Instruments involved here. Audio Effects only. However, you have now pointed out the obvious need for a midi version of this. Hopefully, it will be easy, but I have a lot of work to do at the moment.


Thanks for the info. There is nothing worse than posting something and have it not work for macs. In fact, I dread it every time I post something.


For 1, Everyone really wants that, but Max isn't listening. The most recent posts on the subject, again by Schlam in 2024, conclude that there is no way to do it.

For 2, I'm not sure I understand. The A and B Morpher slots are loaded from saved snapshots. Its like a string with fixed endpoints at A and B. You want to be able to change the endpoints while morphing between them? I'm pretty sure I have no idea how to even diagram that out.

On the other hand, I've been considering a version with only two snapshots, but its been difficult. At any time you are twisting the knobs, you can just press the A or B button to update that side of the morph slider. This way, you don't need to save a snapshot and then recall it in the correct sequence to get it to the side you want.
Hi, you're right. I went ahead and made the FM controls with 500,000 steps. Its still kind of jumpy with the mouse, but you can really zoom in with the arrow keys.
Mexico? You mean Ron Mexico? Nope. Never heard of him. Maybe he served us covfefe.
Thats awesome. Thank you. Do you have the link to the other externals? There are a lot of FFtease objects and they are all pretty fun.
Not sure I understand. Convolution requires two audio sources, one of which is the granulizer. The other source can certainly be a mic input.

I guess their could be a version that simply convolves to arbitrary inputs, but I don't think I can granularize live input.
Hi, it includes the latest versions I can find for both mac and win. In the comments above, you can find people who have it working on macs. Unfortunately, I don't know anything about how to compile binaries. Don't really know anything about macs either.

It took about five years of waiting just for the 64bit Win version of FFTease to appear in an obscure forum post on the Max site:

They mention that it should be easy to compile the binaries because there is an "xcode" file in the github here

I don't know that much, so I really don't know how to compile a mac program on a windows computer.
Ok. 60s Envelopes.

You can get smaller increments when mousing the knobs by holding the shift key.
Hi, I figured out how to get it to stay on top. Hopefully, the rest of it still works.

Are you on a Mac? For me, Transpose goes in 1 cent increments.
Wow! Awesome, Thank you!
Please Let me know
Well, I went and created a Project for the device and Consolidated the project and then Froze the device. It said it added the fftz objects, just like before. Its very confusing, because Max For Live devices are already supposed to be projects and Freezing them is supposed to add the required files.

Hopefully this new version works.

You just need to make sure that it is actually in the Max path. The top level directory should work. You can check your path by opening the device for editing and then going to Options, File preferences

If not, I'm just going to scrap the whole thing.
But??? What??? The whole point of freezing a device is so that it includes all the externals.

I put the morphine object up on Google Drive here

After you download it, put it in you Max folder, probably at Documents/Max 8.

If that doesn't work, I guess I'll need to rework it with regular old spectral convolution like with my FM Convolver and Grain Convolver devices.

Let me know please.

Thats pretty bizarre. I've tried it on two other computers with no problems. It would be helpful if somebody could report any max messages from the max window.
Thats pretty much how floating windows work with max for live devices. Its not closing them, it is simply bringing the Live window to the top. The device needs space of its own to remain visible.

If you can't hear anything, you need to make sure you are running the most recent version of Live. Several max objects got updated and only run in the newest version.
Thank you. I'm glad you like it. It definitely has some weird settings.
Thank you! I'm glad you like it.
Hi @c. I fixed the issues related to reopening the live set. Everything is remembered and recalled now.
P.S. Thanks for all of your advice over on the Cycling74 forums.
Thank you. I hope you like it.

Oh yeah, the Schwarzonator. I haven't thought about that thing in so long, but it really was the main device that made me want to learn Max in the first place. This is certainly along the same lines.
Thank you, I'm glad you like it.
Hi Everyone. My apologies. Once again, it looks like I forgot to freeze the device. There are several important objects required for the transmutor and velocitizer modules.

Anyway, the complete device is now up. Sorry, thanks.
Thank you, I hope you like it. Make sure to get the newest version.
Thank you!

I've been meaning to program something like this for a long, long while. I just knew it would involve canonical_parent and the like. I've been dreading it.

I need this for my external drum synths. Soloing a drum track is such a drag for me. Usually I have to goto each one and turn of the External Instrument power button. Ugh.

Now, the Live track mute button actually acts like a regular mute button for midi.

I'm hoping there is a way to do something similar for a Solo Button a 'la

"Delicious Max 6 Tutorial 50: Han Solo, Mute Gunray" at

That would be ... wow. I'll try my best.
Wow, Thank you so much. I've tried to do something like this at least 6 different times, from scratch, with each of seq, seq~, mtr, techno~, borax, detonate, poly, ... coll, ugh my head hurts.

The layout/logic is so beautiful and simple. I'm thinking of trying to adapt the structure to the other objects, but the C74 forums don't seem to be at a consensus about which is better or even easier.

My main thing was to be able to use this device with External Instruments in Live (the vst cc recording bit is amazing, though). Thanks for making it so easy to remove the vst part.

I went ahead and added other features of the [seq] object, including Append (to the current recording), "Delay 0" (start the midi file at the first note on, instead of when Record is pressed)),"Time stretching" (which changes the speed the file is played back, only at the beginning) and Looping. Unfortunately, [seq] outputs a bang at the very last note off, instead of the end of the recording, so looping doesn't quite work. I guess I could record a midi note 1 with velocity 1 and then a note 1 velocity 0 directly before stopping the [seq].

I hope you don't mind, but I plan on including this in all of my midi devices.

Thank you!!!
Hi, I wasn't really planning on expanding the functionality, but I guess it could be interesting to have a midi out for other drum racks.

The easy way would be to have an export midi clip button (using Retake), similar to my Proletarian and Progenerator sequencers. But it wouldn't be a direct midi out. That would require a second device on the same track to capture the midi and pass it on to ableton.

I'm not sure which way is better, but its going to be a while either way.

I went ahead and added a sample dropbox on the inline interface, right below the "Close" button.

That should take care of it.
Thank you!

I don't know much about macs, but it should be a setting in ableton preferences:


Set "Auto-Hide Plug-in Windows" to Off.
Your welcome. I'm glad you like it.
Thank you! I'm glad you like it.

Its been a long time since I've dived into this one. I'm pretty sure the "0.24"'s are because I had difficulty getting the Current Value of the mapped parameter, so I set the knobs to 24% of their max value to be safe. Otherwise, they would randomly go to the max or min value when mapped.

I've had many problems when changing the attributes (max, min and current value) of a knob. For example, when any attribute is changed, the knob can no longer be automated correctly in Ableton. Ableton only remembers the original value of the knob. Nevertheless, I like this version better than the previous one.

I've never had that happen. But, I've noticed a lot of strange little quirks since live 10.1.0. For example, all of my dials used to be ultra smooth so that you could exactly dial into .001-.03 land and get even smoother by using the shift key. Doesn't work anymore, at least it doesn't on 10.1.6

Thank you, I'm glad you like it.
Share and enjoy!
Hi, Sorry it took so long to see this. I have no idea how to get notifications on new comments.

I actually haven't used this one in a while, I prefer my Many-Rample. But I never had any problems using more than one of them at a time. As long as all of the send receives have triple dashes "---" everything should be fine when using multiple devices.

Keep in mind that like 90% of this device is based off of Live10's DS-Sample
Thank You!

My current dreams involve a wave terrain synthesizer (not using 2d.wave) with assignable/generative landscapes and really controllable, multi-parameter trajectories.

I've got some of it working with a landscape and controllable trajectories, but switching landscapes causes problems with the trajectories, I think.

I'm pretty sure that I also have a better (earlier and better) version of my knob twiddler coming out soon.

Thanks, I'm glad you like it.
Thanks, I'm glad you like it.
Cool! I'm Glad you liked it.

I can't tell if this is many-RAMple or Many-Sample.

Many-RAMple: 20MB Folder gets loaded into RAM, All samples in RAM.

Many-Sample: 20 MB Folder gets pointed at, 1 sample (100kb) gets loaded to RAM.

Cool! I'm glad you liked it.
I've been thinking on it. My Mini-Stretcher

is poly. I'm working on another stretcher that is poly.
Thank You! Some people complain, but I'd rather not skip from 0.01 to 0.02. There is a lot of Karaziness in those Spaces Between.
Holy Crap!!!

I hope all of this works.
Is this going to explode my computer?

I guess I'll find out.

Happy Death to Us All
Thank you! Don't forget to try out the FM Convolvor also. It can get pretty strange as well. It might be pretty weird to have one following the other.
looks like you forgot to freeze it. I get a "no patcher pitchWarp" error.

I'm pretty interested in this. I've heard it might be a good way to spectrally morph from one sample to another.
Thank you, I'm glad you like it. I'll give that a try. I've mostly been using it to breathe new life into my boring old hardware synths. It definitely encourages a bit of experimentation.
Thanks! Very handy.

I prefer these to the vsts and "official" editors because those always seem to gobble up too much cpu with all of the back and forth Sysex, when they are really only sending cc's.

Plus, with vsts, you have to hit "Configure" first, and then you can automate. Its a pain, especially since you have to do it every time and you can't re-order them once you have "Configured" them.

I found it beneficial to disable all of the autopattr and save stuff, it never seems to work right for me. Also, for me, the [prgmout a] should be enabled and changed to a [prgmout].

I think all of the "tik tok tuk" sends should probably have a "---" in front them. That way, I can have one of these on one track for "Synth 1" and another one of these on another track for "synth 2".

Thanks again.

Hi Zeep, You can definitely change the number of frequency bins. Currently, there are 1024 of them, but you can change it to any power of 2. The next highest would be 2048.
Also, with a regular gate, when the signal is above the threshold everything gets passed through, including the noise. With this, the noise is removed even when you are playing your synth.
Well, it would be more accurate to call it a spectral gate. A regular gate cuts out everything below a set threshold.

Technically, this takes the Fourier transform of the input signal which splits it up into 1,024 frequency bins. Those frequency bins that are smaller than the threshold are zeroed out and the result is then resynthesized using the inverse Fourier transform.

So, only the frequencies that are below the threshold are removed, instead of everything.
Thank you. I'm glad you like it.

If you hold the CTRL key down while mousing, it will go faster. The problem is that I want it to be "fine grained" so that I can hit all (most) of the values.

The only other way I know to make it faster is to change the number of "Steps" on the dials (in the Inspector) to a smaller amount. But then it skips a lot of values, for example going from 303hz to 307hz with no intermediate values.
Hey, Yo. this update remembers the loaded Folder and Sample#. It was trickier than I thought
Yeah, its pretty strange. Normally, the Sample# live.dial should remember its position, but for some reason, if you change the Min/Max of the dial (using the _parameter_range 1 $1 msg), it resets everything, and this happens whenever a folder is loaded up, including when the device is reloaded after reloading the Live Set.

A solution involves the same tech as before. Essentially you copy the

[set $1]->[textedit]->[unjoin]

and wrap it around the Sample# live.dial: Take the left output of the live.dial and connect it to the left input of the [set $1] and take the middle output of the [unjoin] and connect it to the input of the live.dial. Don't forget to have the [live.device]->[bang]->[textedit] in there as well.

I'll get it posted eventually, but it may be awhile.
Max really is pretty crazy stuff. I couldn't find any Noch sampler, but you should probably stay away from the crazy stuff in that drumfoldr, its all a really big mess. my version is way simpler.

I'm totally against the whole "Open Folder" Dialog thing. it is such a painful way to do things. I think, that in order to get it to remember where it was, you have to have some crazy max scripting... I used to have some simple examples of scripting, but I've lost them. Ableton Expert used to have some good examples also, but I think they shutdown.

The best place to share code is on the cycling '74 forums. Its usually best to post small examples of the problem code instead of a big giant mess of stuff. I've researched all of the ways of dropping folders and I think I have the best way.
Thats pretty strange. I have it working on multiple Live 10 pc's with no problems. It even works in Live 9. Maybe its a Mac thing? Are there any hints in the Max Window?

Anybody else with issues?
What a crazy thing.
Strangely, it only required 3 or so objects including the [textedit] object. The code under the hood is in the upper right
Yo! The Many-Rampler now remembers its Folder when reloading the Live set. If the waveform isn't showing in the window, just jiggle the Sample# knob a little bit.

I guess my next goal should be to update this device and my Mini-terrain and Mini-stretcher with these enhancements.
Thank you, I'm glad you like it. Make sure to check out my Many Rample. It creates a RAM buffer for each file in the folder and has an auto randomize function. Because everything is in ram, you can switch between sounds very quickly, without waiting for the files to be loaded from disk.

I tried out the Drumfldr and tried to pick apart the path saving, but it was a pretty nasty ratsnest involving both coll and dict objects. I'm still working on a work around. I was hoping it would also allow you to drop folders from the Live Browser, but no luck. There has got to be an easier way, but I don't think so.
This one loads all of the samples into RAM
Check out my new Many-Sample :

You can drop folders of samples onto it.

I'm sure its possible, but everything is tricky in Max/Live. There are so many ways to do things correctly in Max, but there are a lot more ways to do things incorrectly. For example, with many of the methods I've tried, I usually run into problems with the sample list not being saved when you reload the live set or there can be problems with the associated envelopes for each sample and a whole host of unexpected details that occur with each method.

Nevertheless, I will try because it does sound useful, but don't hold your breath.
Awesome to the Max
Crazy stuff. I wish there was better documentation on this crazy thing. I've compiled a bunch of it, but ... With a lot of it, there aren't any units on the parameters. x/y phase isn't in any documentation anywhere.
Thank you! Let me know if there are any bugs or things that need improving or extra needed features.
Strange. I don't know anything about macs, you might have some files missing in your Live10 installation. I went ahead and uploaded a frozen version that should work better.
I haven't had any problems on 3 different machines, using live10.

But you do need to make sure that you are sending midi from notes B-1 through G2. I don't think it responds to midi outside of that range.

Also, yes you might need to hold the CTRL-key down while turning the knobs. I like having 2 decimal places of accuracy on the dials.
Thanks, I'm glad you like it. The new, built in devices are great, but sometimes they do things that don't quite make sense.
Thank you, I'm glad you like it. It is a bit tricky to describe. I think of the Nodes as "Complexity". I like medium complexity, with the nodes around 9-14.
Thank you, I'm glad you like them. Let me know if you have any suggestions for them.
Also, keep in mind that the knobs take on the values of whatever they are mapped to. If you map the envelope to something that goes between 0 and 100, then the Minimum and Range knobs will take on those values. The parameters on many Ableton devices only go from 0.0 to 1.0.

Its very strange that you can't see the labels on the knobs. They are standard live.dial devices. I can see them on three different computers using various versions of Live/Max.
Hi, Sorry it took so long to get back to you, I've been moving out of state.

The knobs are pretty fine grained, try using the CTRL key when turning them. They are used to control the Minimum and Range/Max of the envelope.
Hi, I've tried it on two different computers. It is a bit too Hi res, but it works. Try using the CTRL button when you turn it.
Hi Folks, my apologies to the first 90 or so people to get this. I forgot to freeze it, so it was missing a crucial piece. Its all good now.
Oh My God!. I'm so sorry, I forgot to freeze it. It should be fine now.
Thank you. Glad you like them
Hah!. Indeed. Not to mention the audience. If you really want to fuck everyone up, throw in my Time Signature Sequencer as well.
Cool, it would be great if you could post it. I've been thinking of ways that might make it more useful (without needing to do the crazy configuration setup) but I would want one without the Java.

Let me know
Awesome video. I'm glad you like it. I tried that Xanadu device many times long ago (and more recently) but could never get it to work. I looked under the hood and it was very confusing. It uses the vst~ device and then tries to load the Synplant as a vst into the max patch. But even then, I couldn't see how the gene values were transmitted to the Synplant. Also, it uses Java, yuck.
Thank you, I'm glad you like it.
Awesome, glad to hear it.
Thats pretty strange. I've tried it on all three of my PC's with no problems. It only uses standard objects, including pcontrol. Maybe you are using an older version of Max? Does the Max Window provide any details (In Live, right click on the title bar-> "open max window")? Do you have the same issue with my Sequenced Filter?

Anybody else with issues?
Hi, Can you be more specific? Most everything does what it says on the tin.
Thank You!!!
Thank you!!! I'm glad you like it. I've wanted something like this for years but have only recently acquired the wherewithal to figure something out. Back in 2008, they promised to make the dna automatable, but it hasn't happened. I gave up hope years ago.