Comments by CaligulaCuddles

Ooh, this looks exciting. Very cool.
I remember trying to use fzero~ at one point, but never had much luck with it. Then again, I was a novice and had little idea what I was doing. I do recall having a lot of success with Miller Puckette's fiddle~ object, but I was still too much of an amateur to do much with it beyond appreciating what an impressive tool it was.
Hey bronze777 - that's really weird. I can't seem to replicate the issue. Is there any chance you could send some screenshots of the issue to my email address (it's listed in my profile).
*(Autocorrect mistake: I meant JUCE)
sopgv - Considering the relative simplicity of the plugin, I was thinking of trying to adapt this with both WDL-OL and JUICE to get a feel for each framework and see what—if any—aptitude I have for that sort of thing. Who knows; it might happen eventually.
Ah, I never even thought of that. Heh.
Looking forward to see how it turns out.
Keep up the great work, man!
Don't get me wrong; it's entirely possible I missed something or that I have the wrong idea altogether.

Drop me an email (my address is in my profile) if you have any questions, and once I have a bit of spare time later in the week I could maybe try and demo an idea of some sort. Granted, this isn't the type of thing I'm super familiar with, and there are probably a handful of people who are more qualified, but I'm usually not too bad at coming up with an idea or two.

I think it's a brilliant idea for a patch, and though it may have a somewhat niche audience, I always love it when people take the time to take an idea like this and execute it as well as you have. It's a well-considered concept that shows a multifaceted ingenuity for enriching the functionality and utility of one of the most deservingly enduring plugins in the canon of virtual instruments.
When I tried the choke on the rack with this, it didn't seem yo do anything. Maybe I overlooked something, but I think the Ableton choke cuts off the sample, whereas Tonic hits just play straight through no matter what.
Hey, this is actually quite the useful tool. I kind of let the Tonic slip from use due to my presets devolving into a bit of a mess (and other equally lazy reasons).
The only essential thing I think it may be missing is the choke function. Without looking into the patch itself at the moment, I'm going to guess that each individual slot is independent of the others, and therefore the choke isn't shared?
I feel like there's gotta be a way around that, but I'm not sure what it would be. Maybe if you created a sort of "dummy" oscillator in each instance that didn't play anything, you could have that be the choke's "off" signal, and the individual instances could send a sort of "universal" signal to other patch instances to trigger the dummy/choke oscillator... if that makes sense. Just riffing.
Ha ha ha ha ha.
My only real question is how you got the funding to make this?
Hey, I really like the look of this.

I actually posted a somewhat similar patch recently, but I'm stil gonna snag this because I love seeing how other people approach this style of audio manipulation.

And I totally agree with the philosophy of irregular fluctuation intervals; the typical wow & flutter approach of basic sinusoidal modulation just doesn't capture that analog magic like something more complex and erratic.

Props on the design. Great job, man!
Ahhh, how I do appreciate some good device nameplay.
Awesome device, man!
Totally brilliant idea.
*texturally, rather.
That's a bummer. Thanks for letting me know, though. I appreciate that. I just updated the description to reflect that it's Mac only. I may update the old patch to include some of the extra features in this one for people with Windows, because when it works, the sample rate reduction and lowpass combined with the sidechain compression can be really interesting textually.
nexusgu - That might be partially my fault. I didn't have the dependencies set up right, so the Windows +bubbler~ external wasn't included. I added it now, but I'm not sure if it's 64 bit or 32 bit (the site doesn't say).

gac40 - That really bums me out, man. So audio is going into it but not coming out? Do the meters show anything when sound is playing on the track? I tried turning it into Max/MSP standalone device on my work laptop and playing audio through it and it seemed to work fine on there. If you email me (address in profile) I may be able to help.
What OS and Max version are you using? Is the Max Console reporting any errors?
No idea why the image I used got kinda messed up. It looks better in Ableton for whatever reason.
I never bought any of the Roli Blocks because they didn't seem to add anything to my workflow on their own. This is a really awesome utilization of them, though. Props on the concept (and for sharing it for free)! V cool.
That's some attractive UI work!
I'm not a huge modular person, but musicians bringing modular elements to M4L for free are heroes of mine.
The design is gorgeous, Max. Great job!
The original was the best (and most reliable) pitch drop device around, so an update with a ludicrous 10 minute max length is pretty exciting. A ramp up would be nice, too, but I know that's a different mechanism altogether (and one that would likely be impossible with a length of that much).

Thanks for the update!
Has anyone tried modding this to be a wet/dry (target track/current track) output?
So... is this still on your site somewhere? I can't find it.
Well... I guess it's time to find out what the hell a Rungler is.
Hey, I was debating how to create something like this. Thank you. The output scaling was confusing at first (I assumed the Min/Max values were for the individual nodes), but it makes sense to me now. Much appreciated.
For those who are still using this, the Max for Live Essentials PitchDrop is much more stable.
Looks cool, but... is the audio just coming from one of the free PeRColate objects and running into a basic jitter visualizer? Can you legally profit on someone else's free Max/MSP contrirbutions?
Does anyone else get weird coll errors in the Max console when using this? It was stable for me before, but it's been getting a bit finicky on me lately.
This looks legitimately cool... and kind of expensive, given I don't know how well it would be suited to my needs.
Has anyone tried this? How's the CPU usage?
My reservations are that, while it seems interesting, it's hard to tell how the M4L version compares to the original, and a lot of the additional effects (such as bitcrushing) seem to be superfluous additions that are already available in Ableton and introduce a degree of bloat I'm trying to cut back on.
Yo, I'm late to the part on this one (by a few years), but man... what a killer effing synth! Very simple and distraction-free. It's nice having a really simple tool with a relatively straightforward function that I can jump to when I need it. It really holds up like a beast on the low end, and can get some rather BoC-inspired sounds with a few simple tweaks.
Pretty radical, but I seem to be getting a lot of pops still...
Dillon's becoming one of the greatest assets to the M4L community (and, in general, making Ableton more experimentally-friendly).
V cool.
Merci beaucoup!
Supremely useful and expertly conceived. Thank you!
I always dug Brendan's Granary, but I'm not getting any audio from this live device...