Comments by audiojet (MIDI Router)

The device listed above is an audio device that routes midi to audio effects that take midi.
Does this device also route midi to devices located after it? If the device accepts midi.
Thank you. How is the device with Undo? Does it fill the Undo with info?
How is the sub triggered? Is it locked to 4 on the floor dance groove? Or can this be used for irregular timed kicks? Looks promising but I make Hip hop.
very cool.
Not sure where to download the update. There is just a PNG file to download.
...It would be great to see a video in action.
...I have had the most success with this sidechain. It is a breeze to use and very smooth sounding.
Great plugin... but the map settings don't save with the device if you need it saved. For example after you group it with a device it is mapped to and save the group you loose the mapping info.

Does anyone know of a way to fix that?
thanks for the reply. Works just like described. Great plugin.
Nice. Download success.
Just bought it. Sounds Just like what I need for the bass.

Is it also possible to use it on non-bass material or is it strictly used on Low end audio?
... yes. File is 0 bytes.
This is a really great Hard clipper. Unfortunately if you use Live 11, it can crash it sometimes. If I ever delete the plugin inside a FX chain or not it crashes Live. Crossing my fingers for an update.
...Odd. Tried downloading v1.25 (Windows) and my download is canceled due to "Malicious software" warning. Did it on two different computers. Never seen that warning before.
Wow. This looks very awesome.

Will probably grab this. I read the FAQ on your site. I'm a Windows user so fingers crossed all works well. Cheers.
Awesome looking plugin. Tried to get it with no luck. Still waiting for the link to be sent.
Great plugin but just so people know the description isn't 100% accurate. You still have to group/rack VST plugins for this to work. Your shortcuts have to be in accessible in a .adv file. Similar to "Shortcut Buddy".
Wow. This is impressive, and priced extremely competitively. If you have a very small drum hit collection this is a no brainer.
Is this device available anywhere? Tried download URL link and link in comments, no luck. Really want this one bad.
Very interesting plugin with zero information anywhere about it overall functions. I can guess most of it but it would be vital to more before a purchase.
Very cool device. The auto-return-to-0 is very handy.

... Is there a way to edit the value 0 to 50? If so any help is much appreciated.
I gotta say this is super handy and quality. well done.
Awesome. A second shortcut for a transpose knob would work fine. Just have the floating window a different color than the "clip gain".
...yes incredible device. I second the pitch option idea.
Great device, very helpful. But I find when I have over 4 of this in my session, Live will show some visual defects in the scope area and Live randomly will crash.
Not mentioned : MacOS only
wow. so awesome.
Looks great. Are there any instructions or "How to use" information available?
Audio or video is a must for choosing to purchase for most people.
I'm impressed. Very cool. :)
... Is this working now? seems like a great idea if working.
Can you map a midi note to cut and paste? example: Control+C
Can this work with other controllers? ie PS3, PS4
I second the question of the last post. Can there be steeper slopes?
"This device is currently not for sale". Only get that statement when trying to download.
thank you
...just curious if this works with Leap motion yet. looks like what I need but read a comment that they had trouble getting it to work.
...Need a bit more info than that before throwing down $68.
I agree with the last post. With Velocity, the amount should remain on the last monitored value when key pressed instead of resetting to one each time. This feature would be very useful as far as velocity is concerned. Thanks for the plugin.
I am using...

Live 9.1.1
Max 6.1.6

...Really excited for this plugin, but can't get sound.
No sound, tried everything. Too bad looked very interesting.