Device Details


Name | Version: GMaudio Ducker 1.3
Author: groovmekanik
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: The Kick drum is the foundation of Electronic Music. The timing of your Bass instruments is paramount. GMaudio Ducker is a sample accurate side-chain tool designed to help you get your low-end thumping!

Side-chain compression is a technique commonly used to ensure that your Bass doesn't get in the way of your Kick. The problem is, that it's simply not accurate, and things like plugin delay compensation often skews similar tools.

This device uses Transient Detection to trigger an ideal envelope for Bass volume control, that is always on time and 100% accurate.

- The Attack curve is fixed and designed to avoid any pops/clicks.
- The Release curve is adjustable from logarithmic to exponential, allowing for the perfect crossfade between your Bass and Kick.
- The length of time that your Bass is muted is adjustable via 'Hold' parameter.
- The visualisation helps you identify your signals easily and makes dialling in settings an absolute breeze.

The reason why your Bass must be 100% muted to avoid clashing with your Kick has to do with the way audio signals are summed together. Even a small amount of Bass while your Kick transient hits will skew the summed waveform, resulting in a different Kick transient with every drum hit. This device ensures that your Kick's Transient remains consistent and allows you to smoothly transition from Kick to Bass so that they become one Instrument, resulting in maximum headroom and a stronger low-end!

See this video for further explanation;

New in Version 1.3 (December 2021)
- Colours match Live Themes more closely
- Removed "Visualiser Enable/Disable" and added "Visual Gain"
- Improved efficiency and fixed bugs (no more crashes on Mac or PC)
- Minor adjustments to parameters
- UI adjustments & Push functionality

New in Version 1.2 (September 2021)
- All colours now change with Live Themes
- Visualisation can be enabled/disabled (disabled by default)
- Improved accuracy of envelope and applied s-curve to reduce artefacts
- Added 'Hold Time' in ms instead of Amount values beyond 100%

New in Version 1.1 (August 2021)
- Fixed Text Colour for all Live Themes
- Added more latency/attack to reduce pops/clicks in rare situations
- Improved accuracy of Envelope at certain settings

* Tip: If your signal is not triggering the envelope, try Post FX for the Signal Input and/or turn up the Transient Sensitivity.

* Note: This device does not work nested in racks, within racks. This is a current limitation of the Live API and Ableton & Cycling74 are working on an update. can always add side-chain compression after this device to create more variation in the groove of your bass, but without using a tool like this, your just making life harder for yourself... Do yourself, and your music a favour, and grab GMaudio Ducker Now!

This device works in Live 10.1 or 11, Standard (with Max For Live) or Suite.

If you like this device, please rate it 5 stars ✨

Happy music making! 🤘


Live Version Used: 11.0.12
Max Version Used: 8.2.3
Date Added: Dec 22 2021 00:14:12
Date Last Updated: No Updates
Downloads: 0
License: Commercial
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Here are 2 emails I've received in the last 12 hours after sending out the update;

*Hi! Can I just say that this is probably my most used plug in after EQ Eight. Absolutely love how quick and easy and effective it is. Been using it since 1.1 version and the 1.2 version was much better. Can't wait to download 1.3!* - Luke

*Can't wait to try it out. I had a huge workflow improvement since i started using ducker. This device is "shut up and take my money" level of goodness* - Alfredo

...I have had the most success with this sidechain. It is a breeze to use and very smooth sounding.
I love all GMAudio devices + buy them without thinking. they're all amazing + essential for a Live user. but this one feels like Robert's masterpiece!
Purchased this glorious device earlier today. I have previously used Gatekeeper to get me some pumpin´bass, but this little gem does it way sharper and is exactly as good as described by the dev:-D
As far as I can tell from the gum road page the current version is 1.4.
1.5 is out peeps :D

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