Volca Sample Editor Version 035
The Volca Sample Editor is a set of MaxForLive devices that ...
Launchpad 185 Sequencer Version 1.5.9
2011 december 17: new version 1.5.9. with better layout on t...
Lemur Kaoss Keyboard Version 159
The Lemur Kaoss Keyboard is a monophonic keyboard for the Le...
Live Session Script Version 156
Live Session Script allows you to arrange a song in the Sess...
Pentatonic Keyboard Version 011
The Pentatonic Keyboard is a MIDI effect that transforms any...
Synplant Genes Version 1.0
Synplant has no automation for it\'s genes. This device come...
SparkLE Drumrack Version 170
This device uses the Arturia SparkLE MIDI device to play Spa...
Electribe2 Pattern Editor Version 026
Electribe2 Pattern Editor version 026 \r\n\r\nThe Electribe2...
MicroTonic Drumpad Version 1.0.1
I like the MicroTonic drums from Sonic Charge a lot. You can...
Microtonic with XO Version 1.3
It’s all about repetition and creating variation.\r\n\r\nI...
Descartes 185 Sequencer with support for iPad Version 1.1
In 2011 I made a sequencer which behaved like a RYK 185 hard...
VST Wrapper - supporting all parameters Version 1.1
December 2022. Version 1.1 has support for the Max standalon...
MaxDotNet Version 1.0
Bridging MaxForLive to .Net assemblies has been on the wishl...
Node-MIDI-Ports Version 1.0
Node MIDI Ports\r\n\r\nAs we all know, Ableton has its own i...