Device Details


Name | Version: Gforce Icondrum Sampler 1.0
Author: xanadu
Device Type: Instrument
Description: Gforce Icondrum Sampler

The Gforce Icondrum Sampler is a MaxForLive device designed to create sample sets from the Icondrum plugin. These samples can then be used to build custom drum racks.

This device features a simple patcher interface with three bpatchers and a few connecting wires—no fancy UI.

Installation & Setup

Place the .amxd files in a location where they can be opened in Ableton Live. Ensure this location contains a subfolder named Icondrum, as this is where the samples will be saved.

Import the Icondrum Plugin

Press the "Plug Icondrum" button to load the plugin automatically.
If this fails, press "Plug" and manually locate the VST file.
On Windows, the VST3 file is typically located at:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3\IconDrum.vst3\Contents\x86_64-win\Icondrum.vst3
Unfortunately, Mac compatibility is untested and cannot be guaranteed.

Enable Multi-Channel Output

After loading the plugin, press "Open VST" to launch the interface.
Click the small wrench icon in the upper right corner of the plugin interface and set "Multi-channel output support" to On.


Initialize Parameters

Press the "Initialize" button to reset all plugin parameters to their default values. If you load another preset in the VST, the device will automatically use the parameter values saved in that preset.

Play and Record Samples

Use the upper bpatcher to play individual drum pads.
To record samples, enter a preset name in the lower bpatcher and press "Sample All Pads" in the upper bpatcher. This will sample and save sounds from all 16 drum pads, each in a separate stereo WAV file.

Closing the device

When closing the Live Set with the VST plugin enabled Live is likely to crasch, so disable the plugin before closing the song.


The .zip download includes versions for:

Ableton Live 11 or 12 with Max 8
Ableton Live 12 with Max 9


Live Version Used: 11.3.35
Max Version Used: 8.6.2
Date Added: Jan 16 2025 13:49:41
Date Last Updated: Jan 21 2025 09:34:37
Downloads: 123
License: None
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Device File: Icondrum

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