Comments by st235

bist du aus wien?
wow!. that looks awesome! thx
hi! i purchased your sequencer years ago. how do i get this update?
thx in advance!
should i (as a user) get an email with the update link? or how i`m supposed to get the updates? updates are free for existing users, right?
what`s the difference from the last ersion? i looked at github, but couldn`t find anything
for a "work in progress" that`s quite an amazing tool already!
is it 3.99? then you should change the license
promising looking devices! thx for sharing!
unfortunately i get loads of errors, no patterns and no output.
i took a loojk inside the patch so i maybe could find the problem only to realize that it`s completely in js, which i have no clue about.
let me know what infos you might need.
i`m running osx 10.12.6, max 8.1 and the newest beta of live 10
sounds interesting
hmmmm..... i don`t get any midi output/ sound ?
what i`m doing wrong? no errors in the max windo
have you heared of Push-PXT Plus??
thx dric! if igured it out already! i knew that they are just for CC#s but i didn`t know the best way to do it in max! anyway, i`m making good process and i think i can finish the patch next week
just found out that i have the wrong range set for the lpf cutoff! anyway, i will upload an updated version tomorrow! `til then it`s more than simple to change that
thx for this great device!

would you mind sharing your konkreet performer preset? i just got my prophet and would love to try that out but since i have KP i don`t had the time to dive deeper into it (of course this has to change :-) )
i don`t need it for karaoke, but i need it anyway. but it`s not clear for me how it`s working. i copied it inside the same folder as the device but it doesn`t find it. and if it would find it i have no idea how you mean that: map the song and line controls in the device to 2 MIDI controllers and record automation for them in your set so that the correct line will be displayed at the correct time.
any help appreciated,
thanks in advance,
sorry, it wasn`t meant that bad. i know it is a good piece of patching. but you can`t compare this issue with ableton bugs. ableton does infinite cool things and yes, some of them are a little bit buggy, but the main purpose of your device is mixing!!!!
and yes on all spectrum devices those freuquencies are shown , but soo big?
btw.: i didn`t want to write you here but i haven`t found a email address.

sorry it must be my english skills that i`m not able to write it in the right words which aren`t too rude
hi kevin. i`m really very disappointed!!!! i bought your mixer and your spectrum and i have to say: when you want to sell patches, they really should work.
1.i opened the mixer and all the faders were in the wrong position. (i.e. in the live mixer some are at 0dB , in your mixer they are 1cm beneath the line.)
2. it doesn`t properly update after adding, deleting tracks.........

i was patching my own mixer but i was struggling with exactly this problems and then i found yours and thought: wow, you did it. but now i have paid for a finished working patch and have the same problems as before.

and about the spectrum:
it`s really useless that the frequencies below 10 hz take up so much space as you should get rid of anything down there anyway.
sorry, i know it is hard work and you are very close but as soon as you aren`t there you should not sell it
all the best, andreas
and again :-( i don`t have a credit card, but i NEEEEDD this
what can i do?
hey kevin!
i really want your device, but i don`t have a credit card! what can we do? no paypal??
all the best
and what do you mean with "teach in"?? sorry i`m not a native english speaker
does the LP stepsequencer still work for you? i used to use it a lot but then there was an live update, i dont remember which one, and since then i never got it to work again :-(
was looking for something like this for ages!
thank you so much
go into midi map modus and look beneath the "stop all clips" button :-)
why do you even nedd m4l for that when you find the same buttons mappable in live?
What bugs you have found within the live looper?
always used "TrackStates" for that, but this looks really promising!
great, thank you!
c`mon guys! not one comment?
i really want to know:
is it working for you?
can you help me with the timing effect?
do you like it?
i`ve uploaded it now to my new domain, should work! WILL BE my website but isn`t ready yet, so there`s nothing but that link!
but in the near future you can find there many downloads (presets,patches,samples), tutorials and much more......
sorry! don`t know what`s going on? try it a little bit later!
15 people already have downloaded it, so normally it should work
hi , thanks for your work! i wanted to do the same but til today i was too busy! but maybe i can help you with the bpatchers and the gui! i will take a look at it in the evening!
thank you!
i agree with myus, maybe change the name, cause there is a real monome emulator with the same name!
karlheinz is a professor at my university. so i thought maybe you know him and maybe we are colleagues :-)
all the best
bist du von der elak?
i updated to 1.1 and nothing is workin anymore.
synapse itself works like a charm but the m4l devices don`t get any data from it
great!! thank u!
u are my hero of the day !!!or should i say the year?
thank you so much, i was waiting for something like this for months (i bought the kinect 3 months ago and wasnt able to get any useful data out of it cause i only found a really bad tut on how to install openNI, but that one looks really promising)
can`t wait to try it out.......
thank you very much! i will send my adress to
or what does this[] mean?
thanks for your great devices, i think they are one of the most useful around.
ive got a problem with your 16 macros 2.0.
its workin without any problems on my apc but on my bitstream 3x it stops workin when i turn a knob a little bit faster.
i think the controller skips some values if i`m not slow enough.
i remember that i had the same problem with another patch which i fixed, but i don`t remember how?
can u help me out? its very important cause i play a live set on saturday and it would make life/live so much easier!!
thank you anyway and greetings from vienna
I don`t understand, whats the difference beetween this device and what u can do with instrument racks?
your apc remote script stopped workin in 8.2.2 & 5.1.8
will it be difficult to fix?
sounds very promising, can`t wait to try it out.
thanks for this patch
hi, thanks for this device,
but its not really workin for me. everything is alright if i work with my mouse but when i map the dials to my midi controller there is some strange behaviour. the dial is moving a little bit, then it stops. i`m workin with the german version don`t know exactly what ableton is writing in the english version, but its something like : pickup controller at value:88 (for example)
when i move my controller very, very slow it s workin but as soon as i move faster it looses track. must be any kind of timing problem, but no errors in the max window.
can somebody help me?
hi, thanks for this device,
but its not really workin for me. everything is alright if i work with my mouse but when i map the dials to my midi controller there is some strange behaviour. the dial is moving a little bit, then it stops. i`m workin with the german version don`t know exactly what ableton is writing in the english version, but its something like : pickup controller at value:88 (for example)
when i move my controller very, very slow it s workin but as soon as i move faster it looses track. must be any kind of timing problem, but no errors in the max window.
can somebody help me?
Hi, i`ve used ur device for a long time, but since i updated to 8.2.2 it stopped working. it`s because of the the select device and select parameter bpatchers. but i cannot open it, since it is an bpatcher from you.
could you send me these bpatchers or maybe update your device? same for the Gleechfos (same problem)
thanks in advance
okay finished, here`s the rack:
hope that works, never tried it with megaupload before!!

Hover over the title of the rack to get some infos (in the info view)
For the Reverse Patch: choose device: Chaos Designer
choose Parameter: Reverse (Macro3)
please be a little bit patient. i will upload the rack until tomorrow!
@vader1: this device is almost useless without the rack.
in the moment, i`ve got a problem with my uploading bandwith.
it took 10 min. to upload the amxd. file, and in the moment (since 5h) i`m trying to upload the tutorial Part1(150MB). at the moment im at 32% so i don`t know how fast i`m able to upload the instrument rack. sorry!
but i will do it
Hi herrmutt,
your devices are really great for performing.
just one question: are you from germany or austria?
or is it just your name that sounds german?
havent tried it yet, but already love it thanks man!!!!!!
you`r first envelope is connected to a line which is connected to nothing!!!
sprichst du deutsch?
sounds very nice!!! but its a little messy. i`m also building my first synth at the moment. ist much more complex and complicated, but yours sound much better!! for this reason i really want to understand your patch. but its impossible to follow the patchcords.....
anyway, good work, go on like this!!!
where is the download link??
sorry! found. forget it
sorry! found. forget it
Please! help me! cant find the program window to change octave!
I havent tried it yet, but thank you thank you thank you