Comments by shivadonga

A lot of thanks for your great free device & tutorial Moldover!!!
Have beautiful New Year 2019 ;)
Hi Matt
Thanks for the help.Now with the Clyphx v2.4.6 and the NoteScrambler1.0 works perfect
Hi TopazUK
Thanks to your amazing tool.
With the new Maxforlive update does not work,is necessary to do something?
Ok,thank you ;)
Thanks for this amazing plugin.There are wonderful tools.
Is possible to record 2 Bars? the limit is 1 Bar (16 steps) ?
Hi Xanadu
I don,t know if is possible with your max device that i am looking for.
Excuse my english
Please tell me if is possible:
In Ableton we can launch scenes.Each scene launchs the clips that are in the same row.
I want to launch a scene with clips that are in different rows but from the clip,not from the scene.
I want for example launch one clip (the third clip of the track 3) and when i launch it will launch simultaneously together with the second clip of the track 2 and the first clip of the track 1.
To create different scenes for each clip,each clip has its own combination of launching clips.for example if i launch the 5th clip of the second track will sound together this and the 3th of the third track and the 4th of the first track.
In this way you avoid a lot of scenes.
Is possible this with your device or do you know how to get this?
Thanks ;)
Hi Bert
I don,t know if is possible with your max device that i am looking for.
Excuse my english
Please tell me if is possible:
In Ableton we can launch scenes.Each scene launchs the clips that are in the same row.
I want for example launch one clip (the third clip of the track 3) and when i launch it will sound together with it the second clip of the track 2 and the first clip of the track 1.
If is possible to create scenes with clips that are in different row.To create different scenes for each clip,for example if i launch the 5th clip of the second track will sound together this and the 3th of the third track and the 4th of the first track.
Is possible this with your device or do you know how to get this?
Thanks ;)
Hi Dric
Thanks for share with us your amazing plugins
Your example project in dropbox is broken the link,is not possible to download
Hi Moldover
Please,it would be nice a short video tutorial explanation with one example to how we can use this device.
I can not use it,it seems be great
Regards ;)
For me in the field of maxforlive midi devices Autobeat is the most flexible and creative of all I know so far with its innovative system of random probabilities and its three amazing modes.
Highly recommended
I am very pleased to be able to enjoy ;)
Yesterday i bought in ableton Autobeat and it seems wonderful but i would like to know how can i create my own scales to add because there are only major & minor?

Thank you
Thanks to your tool,is very useful
I only understand the first,BPM to Ms & Hz for calculate the delay when we change the bpm of the song and for the lfo to sync with the tempo (bpm) of the song but the 2,3,4,5 and 6 i don,t understand
It would be fantastic if you find free time to do video tutorials with examples
Hi Coulis
Excuse me
I had not time to test but now i am testing it and i don,t know how works it?
Did you do the video tutorials?
I have a vocal track and i insert first your coul.Simple Delay Sync,in the same chain,continued i insert Ableton Simple Delay.
The song tempo is in 120Bpm
In your coul.Simple Delay Sync i press the both left and right triplet botton,then appear written 333.333344 ms
Then in The Ableton,s Simple Delay i change the yellow botton Sync to orange Time botton and i write 333.333 in the number ms field and the maximum allowed is 300 ms,what am i doing wrong?
For that is the map pink fields of your coul.Simple Delay Sync?
And the close X?
I have installed DJster Sutobus 1.3 in my iMac
Applications/Max6 and in User/Library/Application Support/Ableton/Library/Presets/MIdi Effects/Max Midi Effect/DJster are inside DJster Autobus.amxd and DJster Lemur Control.amxd
I insert DJster Autobus.amxd into Ableton Midi track and it appears in the lower field in white where is C#-2 to 1
and when i press the open Meter button nothing change and when i press scale open also nothing change,any window appear
What am i doing wrong?
Hi coulis
I just bought your creation
I will try it this night
It seems wonderful and i see that you have invested many hours in the process
Thanks to your effort
Do you have any video tutorial about the pack?
If i find any doubt i will inform you to help me
Hi bcdumt
You don,t see our messages or you don,t want to answer us?
Hi bcdumt
Excuse me
Yes,it works perfectly
I have updated Max 6.0 to 6.1,that is the key and you say:
Max Version Used: 6.1.2
Is a great device,is amazing
It record the pitchbend values
It would be great to update the device with more accuracy in the cent values:
-Now the values are -100 to +100 cents
It would be great with more precission,for example
I have the ratio 5/4 = 386.314
Then i must calculate:
E= 400 Cents 400-386.314 = -13.686
With your version rounding we must write in E -14 cents but would be more accurate -13.686 cents to reflect the exact value in pitchbend of the 5/4 ratio
Is possible modifying zb.detune 1.0?
A lot of thanks for your fantastic and very useful device
Hi bcdumt
The idea is great but does not work
I create a midi track,insert a midi file with a c major scale (C-D-E-F-G-A-B)
I insert a sampler with a piano sound and in the MIDI tab i write in Pitch Bend +1 st as you say:
Needs an intrument with a -1 +1 pitch range in semitones.
In zb.detune i change for example the D note to +69 cents and the sound of the scale is the same,does not affect the +69 cents change
Does not work,do you test yourself?
Hi Stray
Thanks to your device
Is there ClyphX version for mac?
Hi Fabian
It would be great to works it in midi clips that contain monophonic notes or polyphonic notes or mixed: monophonic and polyphonic notes
A3 - E3 - B3 - C2
Applied the effect: C2 - B3 - A3 - E3.....
applied random octaves:
E4 - A2 - C2 - B3.....
G2 A2 B2
E2 - F2 - Ab2
C2 D2 F2
Applied the effect:
A2 B2 G2
F2 - Ab2 - E2
D2 F2 C2
You could also applied the function of inversion the chords...
Monophonic and Polyphonic:
E3 - G2 - B2
Applied the effect:
B2 - E3 - G2
Regards :)
Ok Fabian
Nice to meet you
Greetings :)
Hola Fabian
Gracias por tu rápida respuesta.
Sí,es el concepto de Max MidiShuffler (version midi de Buffershuffler)
El problema en Max MidiShuffler es que no respeta la longitud de las notas originales,debes de configurar las notas procesadas todas a la misma longitud (1/4,1/8....)
Sería genial que te animaras a hacerlo añadiendo tu sello personal.
Suerte con el nuevo plugin que estás creando.
Saludos desde España

Hi Fabian
Thank you for your quick response.
Yes, is the concept of Max MidiShuffler (midi version of Buffershuffler)
The problem is that Max MidiShuffler does not respect the length of the original notes, you must configure the notes processed all to the same length (1/4, 1/8 ....)
It would be great'll encourage you do so by adding your personal touch.
Good luck with the new plugin you are creating.
Greetings from Spain
Hola Fabian
Enhorabuena,es un dispositivo genial,muy creativo!
Tengo una idea de otra variante de random que no se si es posible realizar:
En tu DRK Random Note se puede configurar un rango de notas específico como destino pero...;
Imagina que has creado un midi clip o has importado un midi clip en una pista midi de ableton.
El midi clip tiene las notas C3 - E4 - A#3 y D4
Sería posible aplicar un random exclusivo para estas concretas notas?
Los resultados serian todas las posibles combinaciones de estas notas:
E4 - C3 - D4 - A#3 ..... Incluso repitiendo alguna de ellas (en diferentes octavas también) y suprimiendo algunas :
E4 - E3 - A#3 - C3
Sería un random de el orden de las notas y repeticiones de algunas de las notas y en diferentes octavas
Sería posible ?
Gracias por tu creación

Hi Fabian
Congratulations, it's a great device, very creative!
I have an idea of another variant of random do not know if it is possible to:
In your DRK Random Note You can configure a specific note range targeted but ...;
Imagine that you have created a midi clip or have imported a midi clip in ableton midi track.
The clip has midi notes C3 - E4 - A # 3 and D4
It would be possible to apply a unique random for these specific notes?
The results would be all possible combinations of these notes:
E4 - C3 - D4 - A # 3 ..... Even repeating any of them (in different octaves too) and deleting some:
E4 - E3 - A # 3 - C3
Would be of the order of random notes and repeats of some of the notes and in different octaves
Would it be possible?
Thank you for your creation

I have Ableton Live 8.3 and the last Maxforlive 5 and imac intel core i5 10.6.8
I want to install the Livepack APC Step Sequencer by Mark Egloff.alp and when I try it one message appears:
The installation of APC Step Sequencer Live Pack by Mark Egloff failed (Can not create the folder "Step Sequencer APC by Mark Egloff" in "/ Users / imac / Library / Application Support / Ableton / Library / Presets (MIDI Effects / MIDI Max Effect /. "Do you want to continue installing the rest of the Live packs?
continue No
I press continue and nothing happens
Do you know how can i install this ableton live pack,is the first that i can not install;i don,t know what happens?
not compatible with version 8.3 of Ableton?
Hi Nordmann
Thanks to your fast answer
Hi Nordmann
My name is mario and I write you from Madrid (Spain)
Excuse my english;is very limited.
Your creation (Chord Generator) is amazing!!!!
I have discovered it 2 days ago and I am exploring it and I am amazed.
I have found one problem and I don,t know how can I resolved it:
-I have Ableton Live 8.2.2 and Max for Live.
I insert Chord Generator into one midi track(Called 1) with for example Albino instrument virtual.
I create another midi track(called 2) to record the result of chord generator.Midi From 1-Albino Post FX and arm the track(red buttom)
If I insert before or after of chord generator ableton?s midi effects:pitch,random or scale the resulted of chord generator is recorded in midi track 2 on time,quantized but if I insert Arpeggiator ableton midi effect after chord generator the resulted is recorded into midi track 2 with delay,not quantized(on time).
Please;try you to do it and you will see this delay on the recorded notes.
How can i resolve this problem between Arpeggiator-Chord Generator?
Thank you