Comments by maximedangles

trop cool :) merci
hello, it should be works now ;)
mouhahaha !
really nice ! thank you !
great one ! thanks for sharing this :)
@wetterberg No JS inside ;)
@rozze, thank you for your nice words :-) I'm glad you like it !
@janritter and @Syn thank you for your nice words :)
@janritter, yes that's a cool idea !
i'll try do it in a next update ;)

there's no "pro" version, but i re-write it from scratch right here :

@Borez : oki now i did it finally ;)
Hey !!!

@theabletonguru : i just did an update for that, sorry i forgot it !

@Borez : thank you for your nice words man, all credit goes to makenoise for having this great idea and inspiration.

For the second or third custom, it's easly possible to make it. i just would like to keep it easy to understand.But you're not the first one who asking me this. so maybe i'll add more one soon ;)

Great ! thank you !
@lucianthorr looks in the new feature :)

- All sequencers can be randomised by sending a C2
- Notes sequencer can be randomised by sending a D2

i didn't think about that before, but :
It can be something bad if you play in user scale with midi note in activated...
maybe will add a switch for that in a next update...
Hello !

Message for me... hahaha
SnAkE have been update from here to 3.2 :)

@lukebrown, SWING have been added, i hope you will enjoy it !
Concerning the Note Lengh, it doesn't work well with this GUI, i mean i don't know how i can add it, with an understanding point of view for everybody.
It's a complex sequencer but really easy to use, and i really want to keep it like that.
I need more time, or ideas if you have some !
Hello !
Thank you all for all your great words... I can't beleve there's so much download for this patch now. thanks again ELPHNT for the highlite !

I'll try to answer some questions :

- For some reason it doesn't output a signal for me? Does anyone else have the same problem?

It's normal to have nothing at the begin, because there's no gate and velocities are at zero. i can change that in the next version.

- Is there a way to change the length of the gate steps, in order to play notes of different lengths?

I'm sorry it's not possible directly into the snake. but you can do it with that trick : add a "note lengh" midi effect after the snake and map the custom parameter to the note lenght ;)

- One little question is only to use for live sets or will I also be able to record the sequence?

You can record your midi snake sequence by routing it to an another midi track. (this can help :

- I can't change the number, I can work only with "1".

It depend how many step you have in your sequence. with 16 steps, "shift" doesn't have any effect... please let me know !

speak soon


I'm sorry to know that. i don't have any idea of what thoses mesages are but i'll try to work on it... when i will have the time :)
thanks for let me know !
Hello !
Sorry for the delay. This device is only for data infos.
So, there's no sound, it's normal... you just have to map the diffent sequencers to your ableton devices or VSTs parameters....
hangarsliquides > i just added some of your request ;)
transparency of graphs is not something i'll add, because there's too much parameters, so it'll be a mess !
hangarsliquides > you have some great idea here ! keep in mind everything is possbile with MAX/MSP ;)

maxpigott > That's strange, you should write to the ableton team for this one.
"I couldn't afford an Eurorack system",
so, i think it's not nice to sold your project... ok it's 1e, but why you don't just give it ?
Many thanks for your great add !
really huge !!! thanks for sahring this !
great ! no clip, really nice effect :)