zb.noiseMod Version 1.1
zb.noiseMod multiplies the incoming sound with pink noise in...
zb.noiseMod Version 1.1
zb.noiseMod multiplies the incoming sound with pink noise in...
zb.ampMod Version 1.1
zb.ampMod uses Hilbert transform based instantaneous amplitu...
zb.LFO Version 1.4
zb.LFO is a low frequency oscillator.\r\nThe centre paramete...
zb.noteMod Version 1.1
zb.noteMod generates a random walk control signal based trig...
zb.onsetNoiseMod Version 1.1
zb.onsetNoiseMod uses the Schmidt trigger or a simple thresh...
zb.onsetSeqMod Version 1.0
zb.onsetSeqMod modulates a parameter using a sequence of val...
zb.zsa.spectralMod Version 1.2
zb.zsa.spectralMod looks at a variety spectral properties of...
zb.af.fire Version 1.0
zb.af.fire is a procedural synthesis patch, originally desig...
zb.chorus Version 1.0
zb.chorus is a chorus effect that invokes the perception of ...
zb.7chorus Version 1.0
zb.7chorus is a constellation of 7 zb.chorus audio effects c...
zb.comb Version 1.0
zb.comb is a simple comb filter. It mixes the incoming signa...
zb.longDelay Version 1.0
zb.longDelay is a mono delay plugin with a delay time of up ...
zb.pingPong Version 1.0
zb.pingPong is a stereo multi-tap ping pong delay. It allows...
zb.dynamicDistortion Version 1.0
zb.dynamicDistortion is an experimental dynamic distortion a...
zb.FMsynth Version 1.0
zb.FMsynth is based on the zb.simpleFM synth (a basic freque...
zb.harmonicDistortion Version 1.1
zb.harmonicDistortion uses de Moivre theorem to induce 2nd t...
zb.exciter Version 1.0
zb.exciter induces the 2nd and 3rd harmonic of the incoming ...
dw.softClip Version 1.0
dw.softClip soft-clips or hard-clips the incoming signal. Th...
zb.expDistortion Version 1.0
zb.expDistortion is an exponential distortion plugin. It spl...
zb.foldWrap Version 1.0
zb.foldWrap is a foldover/wraparound distortion plugin. Fold...
zb.rectify Version 1.0
zb.rectify is a half-wave/full-wave rectifier distortion plu...
zb.specDynamics Version 1.0
zb.specDynamics is a spectral dynamics processing plugin. It...
zb.zXDistortion Version 2.0
zb.zXDistortion is a zero-crossing distortion plugin. It zer...
zb.freqShift Version 1.1
zb.freqShift is a single side band ring modulator (also know...
zb.freqShift Version 1.0
zb.freqShift is a single side band ring modulator (also know...
zb.gizmoShift Version 1.0
zb.gizmoShift is a FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) based pitch ...
zb.granola Version 1.0
zb.granola is a granulating pitch shifter which decomposes t...
zb.lineShift Version 1.0
zb.lineShift is a delay-line-based pitch shifter. It applies...
dw.granulate Version 1.0
dw.granulate is real-time stereo granular audio processor. I...
zb.beatRepeat Version 1.0
zb.beatRepeat is a resampling audio effect, it regards the i...
zb.stutter Version 1.1
This is a granulating device that allows for caputring the b...
zb.granulator Version 1.0
zb.granulator is an audio effect that granulates any signal ...
zb.threeBufs Version 1.0
zb.threeBufs is a three buffer device which can quickly reco...
zb.granular Version 1.0
zb.granular is a granular synthesiser based on customisable ...
zb.diffuse Version 1.0
zb.diffuse adds a randomly delayed signal to itself. In orde...
zb.7diffuse Version 1.0
zb.7diffuse utilises 7 instances of the zb.diffuse audio eff...
zb.delayPan Version 1.0
zb.delayPan is a delay-based panning audio effect. It utilis...
zb.phasePan Version 1.0
zb.phasePan uses three 2nd order phase shifters in series to...
zb.fade Version 1.0
zb.fade is a one-click fade-in/fade-out audio effect. It is ...
zb.twoSweeps Version 1.0
zb.twoSweeps is a dual (high-pass and low-pass) filter sweep...
zb.bankPlot Version 1.0
zb.bankPlot is a plotting device, which is especially useful...
zb.lrPlot Version 1.0
zb.lrPlot is a plotting device which displays the time domai...
zb.plot Version 1.0
zb.plot is a plotting device which displays the audio signal...
zb.zsa.barkPlot Version 1.0
zb.zsa.barkPlot is a plotting device which displays the left...
dw.basicGrains Version 1.0
dw.basicGrains is a simple granular synthesiser, it can be u...
zb.clickPerc Version 1.0
zb.clickPerc is a velocity-sensitive, impulse-based drum syn...
zb.noisePerc Version 1.0
zb.noisePerc is a velocity-sensitive drum synthesiser, which...
zb.pluck Version 1.0
zb.pluck is the simplest physical model of a plucked string....
zb.simpleAM Version 1.0
zb.simpleAM is a velocity-sensitive, amplitude-modulated sin...
zb.simpleFM Version 1.0
zb.simpleFM is a basic frequency modulation synthesiser. It ...
zb.sine Version 1.0
zb.sine is perhaps the most basic instrument in the collecti...
zb.sinePerc Version 1.0
zb.sinePerc is a percussion instrument based on a sine wave ...
zb.square Version 1.0
zb.square is a simple square wave synthesiser with a control...
zb.vosim Version 1.0
zb.vosim is a synthesiser based on Tempelaar and Kaegis VOS...
zb.wavetable Version 1.0
zb.wavetable is a custom wavetable synthesiser. It allows th...
zb.additive Version 1.0
zb.additive is a additive synthesiser with 5 harmonics. Each...
zb.subtractive Version 1.0
zb.subtractive is a subtractive synthesiser, which utilises ...
zb.controlThresh Version 1.0
zb.controlThresh Takes a slider as its input and generates M...
zb.directionChange Version 1.0
zb.directionChange generates MIDI notes based on slider inpu...
zb.controlVelocity Version 1.1
zb.controlVelocity Takes a slider as its input and generates...
zb.spring Version 1.0
zb.spring Takes a slider as its input and generates a corres...
zb.transfer Version 1.2
zb.transfer Takes a slider as its input and generates a cont...
zb.noteDensity Version 1.1
zb.noteDensity Takes MIDI notes as its input and generates a...
zb.noteEnergy Version 1.1
zb.noteEnergy generates a control signal based on a property...
zb.randPass Version 1.0
zb.randPass is arguably the simplest and the most frequently...
zb.accentPass Version 1.0
zb.accentPass is another note stopping device that relates t...
zb.metricPass Version 1.0
zb.metricPass device stops notes based on their position wit...
zb.noteTriangle Version 1.0
zb.noteTriangle implements triangle mapping to alter the pit...
zb.noteMirror Version 1.0
zb.noteMirror changes the pitch of the notes if they fall be...
zb.circleWalk Version 1.0
zb.circleWalk is a random walk machine that threads the circ...
zb.noteTransfer Version 1.0
zb.noteTransfer is a simple graphical tool that allows for p...
zb.noteSpectrum Version 1.0
zb.noteSpectrum deterministically assigns a velocity to each...
zb.metricPattern Version 1.0
zb.metricPattern is a device that can generate rhythmical pa...
zb.pitchPattern Version 1.0
zb.pitchPattern changes the pitch of the incoming notes acco...
zb.velocityPattern Version 1.0
zb.velocityPattern is very similar to the zb.pitchPattern de...
zb.brownNote Version 1.0
zb.brownNote device picks the next note based on a randomly ...
zb.randomNote Version 1.0
zb.randomNote is very similar to zb.brownNote, only it exhib...
zb.brownVel Version 1.0
zb.brownVel alters the dynamics of the MIDI notes, parameter...
zb.diceNote Version 1.0
zb.diceNote is another probabilistic MIDI note pitch transfo...
zb.impulseProb Version 1.0
zb.impulseProb is a probabilistic pad chooser for the Ableto...
zb.randDelay Version 1.0
zb.randDelay is a note delaying device that allows for drawi...
zb.randRepeat Version 1.0
zb.randRepeat is a note repeating device. \r\nThe chance par...
zb.transposer Version 1.0
zb.transposer has seven variable transposition slots shown b...
zb.cellular Version 1.0
zb.cellular is a fairly complex and flexible implementation ...
zb.moduloRecursion Version 1.0
Two basic recursive algorithms are zb.moduloRecursion and zb...
zb.logistic Version 1.0
Two basic recursive algorithms are zb.moduloRecursion and zb...
zb.jfc.freeze Version 1.1
This is an FFT based frame freezer with two modes of operati...
zb.jfc.freeze8 Version 1.0
This is an FFT based frame freezer capturing 8 frames. It w...
zb.jfc.freezePeaks Version 1.0
This is an FFT based frame freezer that has a gating thresho...
zb.xFaderPresets Version 1.0
This device allows you to set up 5 different crossfader pres...
zb.APC40hack Version 1.2
This is an APC40 device that will change the function of tra...
zb.logisticLFO Version 1.0
Uses the logistic map to create the transition between fixed...
zb.chanceGrowPass Version 1.0
This device will randomly pass notes. When a note gets passe...
zb.randomMiss Version 1.0
This device allows to control the chance of blocking a note-...
zb.intervalPass Version 1.0
This device is made to block the notes based on their interv...
zb.consonantPass Version 1.0
This device is made to block the dissonant notes in relation...
zb.noteConsonance Version 1.0
This device looks at the distance of pitches on the circle o...
zb.granulator Version 1.1
This granulation device will allow to record or overdub an a...
zb.launcher Version 1.0
This device allows you to trigger scenes or locators using M...
zb.sWine Version 1.0
This is a sinewave synth with a feedback mechanism that allo...
zb.detune Version 1.0
Detunes the MIDI notes by changing the pitchshift control. N...
zb.zXDistortion Version 2.0
zb.zXDistortion is a zero-crossing distortion plugin. It zer...
zb.metricStumble Version 1.0
This device allows for extending the metric cycle of audio m...