Device Details
Name | Version: | zb.zXDistortion 2.0 |
Author: | ZlatkoBaracskai |
Device Type: | Audio Effect |
Description: | zb.zXDistortion is a zero-crossing distortion plugin. It zeros all the samples between the lower threshold and the higher threshold. This type of distortion is special because it does not depend on the input gain i.e. it also distorts very soft sounds. At extreme settings it induces gating. The negCross parameter sets the value below which negative portions of the signal are distorted. The negCutoff parameter sets the cutoff frequency of the one-pole lowpass filter operating on the negative distorted portion of the signal. The posCross parameter sets the value above which positive portions of the signal are distorted. The posCutoff parameter sets the cutoff frequency of the one-pole lowpass filter operating on the positive distorted portion of the signal. The bias parameter offsets the signal such that at 100% setting with both filters off the signal is shifted by the threshold amount. The device performs 32x upsampling to minimise aliasing. |
Live Version Used: | 9.0.6 |
Max Version Used: | 6.1.5 |
Date Added: | Feb 11 2014 08:47:55 |
Date Last Updated: | No Updates |
Downloads: | 1065 |
ⓘ License: | None |
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Device File: | zb.zXDistortion.amxd |
can never have too many distortions. thanks
Posted on February 27 2014 by oisin |
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