Device Details


Name | Version: zb.zsa.spectralMod 1.2
Author: ZlatkoBaracskai
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: zb.zsa.spectralMod looks at a variety spectral properties of incoming signals and based on them creates a control signal.
The output range can be adjusted in extent using the variation parameter in absolute deviation using the centre and in curvature using the curve controls.
The inv toggle inverts the output control signal.
The attack and release parameters control the onset and decay of the incoming signal.
The white drop-down menu selects the spectral property for the device to analyse.


Live Version Used: 8.3.4
Max Version Used: 5.1.9
Date Added: Aug 01 2011 09:01:47
Date Last Updated: Feb 20 2013 07:06:16
Downloads: 611
License: None
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Device File: zb.zsa.spectralMod.amxd

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