Comments by Lester

thanks so much.
first time i've used it a few days ago it worked beautifully on the last Nick Cave song (wild god), the whole song (over 5 minutes). Does it need to be a specific file format?... because i've tried a few other times with other files and it haven't worked (maybe i'm doing something wrong).
I'll keep trying with smaller files and formats because the results seem very useful.
Well, it acually IS COMERCIAL!!!
I've tried several times to buy this with Paypal and it doesn't work... are you sure your Paypal account is functioning well?
After testing this morning again, and left it working all night, everything seems to function smoothly... so i guess it must have been at my end.... my computer is not that new.
I tested it also in the Macbookpro, without isues, so, sorry for raising a nonsensical alarm.
Thankyou Ian for your fast availability.

Hi Ian, I've been trying it today and I love it.
Only one thing...
of the three LFOs, two of them (2 and 3) don't show and don't seem to work, At least in my computer. I don't know if anyone else reported such behaviour. Just because I was trying all sources of modulation, I didn't pay much longer attention to it, but I thought I would come back to tell you...
I'll try it again later today or tomorrow in my two computers to see if it happens again and let you know.
Thankyou for your efforts in building such little (big) gemms.
hi Tommaso
I bought some of your devices and Mang amog them.
I see in your video tutorial an app called t notecc with which via midi you manipulate mang, but i don't see where to get it...
Is t notecc not available?
do you not do Paypal?
Hi Riccardo, I don't see the Paypal possibility in Isotonik Studios...
is this not possible for this version?
This is a comercial 21 dollars device, not a no-license needed. Just saying.
doyou allow paypal payments?
hi Riccardo
i'm really interested in Lambda but i'd like to know when are you releasing the update. It's been almost a year now since you said you would and some of the things people are saying like the mistake with the chord (youtube) or the sampler like playability would be great. Do you have any idea when wil this happen?
Besides that, is there a chance to buy it with Paypal?
it seems that this is only an audio device that doesn't interact with Live, isn't it?
it ignores and stop the audio coming from the instrument. so basically it's a noise maker.
no synchonization with Live, no dry/wet....
are you thinking in implementing any usability with it and Live besides the making of sound?
or maybe you can explain how you use it in a project? because I don't very well see the use of it.
Do you allow payment with paypal?
If you want to answer privately:
Maxime, sorry
ops, sorry. I thoght it was an effect.... it needs notes entered...
I'm not getting any sound, what could it be?
hi Maxime
first of all congratulations for such devices!!
MAUG has become one of my favourite sequencers. I've been using it mainly with operator but a few days ago i got some of De Lirios m4l devices (instruments and effects) and it is being adictive...
i'd love that it could work not sincronised to live or at least to have much lower speed (2n is too fast for me... hahaah).
yes, and maybe to be able to save the lines drawn from one sesion to another... but anyway, i love it.
thanks, anyway.
I'm going to try your super grains now...
all the best!
I've paid for the 12 devices in you gumroad.
my Email
I can send you the screen capture of the payment when you send me an email.
hi xxxx74
don't you allow Paypal payments?
Is bve.sendtoslices device missing? sorry, i can't find it.