Device Details


Name | Version: Travelogue 1.3
Author: iandicke
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: Travelogue is a generative Max for Live MIDI device that sends users through a unique sonic journey full of new discoveries and happy accidents. With a deceptively simple UI, the four-voice melodic engine generates a wide variety of moods and textures, from melismatic counterpoint to tightly looping phrases and everything in between.

Inspired by Music Thing Modular’s Turing Machine and Mutable Instruments’ Marbles, Travelogue supplies endless variations from which to build larger musical constructions.


Live Version Used: 12.0.0
Max Version Used: 8.6.1
Date Added: Jan 02 2023 01:56:56
Date Last Updated: Mar 12 2024 16:55:13
Downloads: 0
License: Commercial
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Absolutely fantastic generative sequencer. If you know Marbles - it's Marbles on steroids!

Very easy to start with and very, very deep. It produces musical and usable sequences very quickly. The GUI is very well organised. Good documentation and a thorough introduction video are also available. Travelogue can compete with much bigger and more complex generative systems which are much harder to learn and use to produce something useful.
Thanks @Unroot! I'm glad you are enjoying Travelogue : )
Hi Ian, I've been trying it today and I love it.
Only one thing...
of the three LFOs, two of them (2 and 3) don't show and don't seem to work, At least in my computer. I don't know if anyone else reported such behaviour. Just because I was trying all sources of modulation, I didn't pay much longer attention to it, but I thought I would come back to tell you...
I'll try it again later today or tomorrow in my two computers to see if it happens again and let you know.
Thankyou for your efforts in building such little (big) gemms.
@Lester - Thanks for letting me know about the LFO issue, no one has reported that yet. Please send an email to and we'll get it resolved!
After testing this morning again, and left it working all night, everything seems to function smoothly... so i guess it must have been at my end.... my computer is not that new.
I tested it also in the Macbookpro, without isues, so, sorry for raising a nonsensical alarm.
Thankyou Ian for your fast availability.

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