Comments by Calagan

It may not be game changer, but it's clearly a mental health saver when trying to fix issues in a complex Live set.
Thanks a lot !

Juste a little feature request : it could be amazing to be able to distinguish VST2 and VST3
Looks cool and seems to work fine. And it's a great feature to have for free.
Thanks a lot !
Very interesting device. I didn't buy it (yet ?), so I would be curious if it's possible to have it displayed in a floating window.

Because you can monitor any track, it makes sense to use it that way, and manage the tracks going from track to track without loosing the carte window.

It could be great also to have some LUFS option but I guess it's more calculation...
Hi md5

Your midi filter device is great and is the first I use anytime I need to filter some midi stuff.
But it seems a bit unstable or unreliable with Live 11 (or maybe with my new Apple Silicon Mac).
Sometimes, it doesn't filter : I didn't figure out exactly how and why, but I had issues recently.

It could be amazing to release an updated version.
Looks great, but it's not compatible with Apple Silicon.
Would you know how to do it ?
mmm. ok, I posted a bit too quick today. Actually when I insert the device in an already made set, it has a strange way of sorting out the locators.
As an exemple, I inserted jo-locators in a Live session where I had already plenty of locators, they went in the correct order, but when I added another one at the complete end of the track, it put it in the second place.
I don't get it exactly.
It could be an amazing device if it could respect the order of the locators in the timeline, because it's of course what makes the most sense...
Amazing device ! I was missing that since years and stupidly I never did a research here.
And it seems to be perfectly stable on my M1 pro running Ableton Live 11.2.10.

I don't get some commentaries about the way the locators are sorted out.
To me, they appear depending on their position on the timeline, and it's the most logical way : I want the intro before the first chorus and the coda after the 2nd chorus (that is after the first chorus). If I create the intro locator at the end of the mix session, it still appears first in the device, as it appears first in the timeline...
But maybe I didn't get their issues...
mmm. Sorry : actually the spring doesn't work too on my M1 machine...
But the vibrato is coool...
Looks cool, but it doesn't work on an Apple Silicon Mac...
Vibrato and spring fx are ok...
Very useful device.
But if I may comment, it could be even greater with the following changes :
- a bit bigger font (it's very very tiny)
-a way to rename each slot : right now, if you assign each slot to a plugin in your rack, it says only "Device on", so it's not easy to remember which device is associated with which slot.
Yes, there is a bug : it when triggered, it launches the scene twice. And it seems that when you hold the note it doesn't, so the note off message is the issue.
Could you fix that ?
Or anyone ?
I'm not able to code for M4L, but this device is truly great...
Is it tested on Live 11 ?
Looks cool, I'll try and give some feedback but if someone knows about some bugs on Live 11 please let us know here...
Hi Mikey.
As a complement to my last comment (above), I actually found that the features I'm speaking about are already in the stock M4L Live devices : Expression Control is doing that, and is doing it very good with a lot of options.
Hi Mikey
Thanks for the quick feedback, and thanks for considering my request.

It's my turn trying to be more precise . I use Live a lot on stage (I mean, I "was" using Live on stage before Covid), and my use of it is as follow :
- my band is not purely electro. We are playing songs, with soft synths and samples we launch from Live using midi keyboards and some midi controllers (like the Behringer x-touch mini)
- Each song is embedded in a scene in the session view. In order to play the song we want, we launch the scene and it turns off everything but the things we need for the song (by use of a complex chain selector system, and a basic on/off automation embeded in each scene.)
- So more often than not, I would like to be able to control the resonance of synth A in the song A, and then the filter of the synth B in the song B, and then the delay feedback of the plugin C in the song C, all that with the same knob.
- Even better, with the same knob in the song C, I'd like to be able to control the delay feedback in the intro, and then a HPF in the verse, and then a reverb dry-wet in the chorus.

In Live, when you map a knob to a parameter, it's for the whole set. You can't map something in the context of a scene only. Or in the context of a chain in a rack.
Since years I'm using the following M4L device, that map a CC to a parameter in the context of a rack, so when the rack (or the device) is turned off, the mapping disappears.

It's a great device (very useful), but I think it could be upgraded in some way - for exemple using multitouch, pressure, notes... instead of only CC.
The idea being : reproduce all you can do with the built in Live mapping, but contextual only (in a rack, in a scene or in a chain).

Anyway, I will try your device like you intended to make it. I didn't understand its use at the beginning, but know I see it as very useful (for mixing much more than on stage : I almost never look my computer' screen on stage).

By the way, it's always cool to embody in the M4L device a little text that explain the purpose and the features. I've got a lot of M4L devices, and sometimes I need to search for them on this site in order to remember how to use them and for what they were intended - the GUI is not always self explanatory...

Best and thanks for the little gift to the community
Does it mean you can map something and then turn-off the mapping if you turn off kozel ?
If yes, it's a great little device.
I still don't understand how it's not a built in feature in Live : I've got a Live set for the stage, and I need to map the same keyboard knob to different parameters depending on the song (i.e. the scene) I'm playing.
There are some ways, but it's complicated.
I'll try your device and give some feedback
Hi brodiem and thanks for the quick answer.
I would love to have this feature for using it onstage.
I'm using Live onstage, set up in a way I can launch a scene and I've got all needed for a song (soft synths, FX, prerecorded stuff etc. etc.).
So one song = one scene
Each time I launch a scene, I turn on a specific rack for the song I'm playing, with soft synths and FX on it, all grouped into specific racks I'm calling or disabling.
Let's imagine I'm playing a song and using soft synth A on the verse, and soft synth B on the chorus. With your device, I could turn on/off A et B only playing a note on my keyboard.
The same for any FX I would like to switch on and off with another note.
I think the best for me would be to map each note to a chain selector within the rack (instead of the on/off switch), but anyway you see the whole picture.
I don't think anybody did that with a M4L device, as far as I know (and I searched a lot), so you could be the first !
And I would be very grateful !
P.S. : and it could be cool to be able to choose the note you want to map. But anyway, just the toogle feature would be great...
Is it not more a momentary switch than a toogle switch ?

I say this because Toogler turns on (or off) the device only while I keep the key pressed. The note off message (key depressed) makes the device to come back to its initial state.
I was expecting a different behavior :
- I press a key (and release it) : device on
- I press the same key later : device off

Actually, I don't think there is any true toogle M4L device around here (only momentary, for any strange reason), so it could be cool to make it work as a toogle device...
Momentary 8 pro for exemple is a great device (similar to yours with more options), but it's acting as a momentary switch.
Looks great and just works so far.

While mixing, I spend my time assigning and de-assigning keyboard keys on various groups of plugins when I want to compare different options of processing.
With this little device, I will save a lot of time.
Thanks a lot !!!

I didn't test it in the context of an heavy set, but if it doesn't add CPU load, it will be one the greatest utility M4L devices I use...
Hi there

Great device, but why not add the option of a toogle behavior.
play a Note : parameter on
play again the note : parameter off

I guess it can be coded as a kind of hold midi note function (no note off message), then you need to play again the note for send the note off message
Very cool device.

But it would be great to be able to add a toogle mode, so we can map any note to a parameter exactly like a CC toogle button.
For exemple to trigger on/off message.

It's crazy, but I'm searching since weeks about this very simple function and I couldn't find any M4L device working that way.

It could be coded as a "hold note" function that stays until the note is played again. So the note off message would be only sent at the second note hit...
Hi Noach
Great device, specially that it looks like the only one existing that can do what it does.
Is there any plan to fix the apparence ?
VERY useful device !

Actually, I use it a lot for before/after gain staging.

For exemple when I add a compressor or a saturation plugin, I can manage very easily the make up gain of it just by inserting this device before and after.
No need to open 2 windows of meter plugins on my already crowded laptop screen, your device makes it super easy !

I've got 2 suggestions for make it a killer device for mixing workflow :
- Add a VU and/or RMS metering option (with -18dbfs as the 0VU).
So you can check the VU level or RMS before/after your FX (and not only the peaks).
- add the possibility to calibrate the peak threshold. Or at least let the user choose between 0db, -6db and -10db...

Lots of analog style plugins are calibrated around these values...
And actually, you idea to keep all infos on the device itself with no need to open a floating window, is just EXCELLENT ! And great for workflow issues...
Hi Takadimi
Sorry to answer so lately, but yeah, thanks.
It works great with vsti !

A feature suggestion : to make it work when the track is muted because another one is soloed !
For exemple : you want to concentrate on a track and solo it. All the other tracks are disabled and your CPU is smiling to you...
Great idea when your live set is crowded and you want to work on a smal part of it where you don't need most of the other tracks.
But there is one problem : it seems you can't place it before instruments (Vsti) ! And the devices that are usually the most CPU intensive (at least for me) are the instruments, not the effects...
Could you make a version that could be place before instruments ?
Actually this device is a life saver for me.
I was searching for a device that could let me control synths (or plugins) that were on a launched scene - and only them (I use Live for the stage, and each of my scene is a song with its specific synths and FX).
The main problem for me with other devices that were similar to your was that for each song I use different synths and the values I want to control are all the time different, so using absolute encoder was giving me headache and I had a lot of issues with relative encoders (Reaktor and Diva, for exemple, don't recognize the incremental CC messages my keyboard is sending).
Your "value scaling" option just saved my life regarding this problem : it's not perfect (an incremental option should be the best, but I can't find it nowhere on M4L devices), but it's near perfection !!!
Thanks a lot !
Great idea, but it doesn't work with incremental (or relative) encoders.
It could be great to figure out a way to use it with such encoders...
Great device, but the mapped parameter is not saved with the Live Session, which is a problem for me because I'm planning to use it on stage...
Am i doing something wrong or is it a bug ?
By "incremental CC signal", I mean a CC signal sent by a relative encoder (or endless encoder)
By "incremental CC signal", I mean a CC signal sent by a relative encoder (or endless encoder)
Hi JGJP. Great device and exactly what I needed !

But there is still some issues for me, and the biggest is that it doesn't accept incremental CC signal (from an incremental encoder, where turning right adds CC whil turning left subtract).
If I try to use it with my midi controller sending incremental CC, it doesn't understand it and behave stupidly...
I remember too that I had some problems while loading a previously saved Live session, but I didn't remember the exact issue... Maybe it didn't record the original value of the mapped parameter, I need to test it again for be sure...

Anyway, great idea. If you could make it compatible with incremental it could be a killer device, and make Ableton Live as flexible on stage as Reaktor (the main interest in Reaktor is that the mapping is "per instrument" : the CC signal used for a parameter keeps being free for another use in the set, like with your device).
Your device looks cool, but I can't figure out how to use it properly. Could you give some more infos about it, in particular how to map each function.
Or maybe is it only working on "selected track" ?
I don't have a controller for now, so I can't experiment it...