Device Details
Name | Version: | MIDI Wheels 1.2 |
Author: | killihu |
Device Type: | MIDI Effect |
Description: | This plugin has some functions that can be useful both if you have or do not have a MIDI keyboard. Modwheel and Pitchbend receive MIDI data from external controllers. These are the plugin controls: - Octave Change. - Modulation wheel with MIDI control selector. - Pitch wheel simulation (type A). - Pitch wheel with MIDI control selector (type B). See details and changelog at: |
Live Version Used: | 11.3.21 |
Max Version Used: | 8.5.6 |
Date Added: | Jun 16 2020 18:12:44 |
Date Last Updated: | Dec 27 2024 17:30:09 |
Downloads: | 1789 |
ⓘ License: | None |
Average Rating
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5 |
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I’ve been looking for the most elegant way to achieve this. Others didn’t work out because they had bloated UIs and other stuff that I didn’t need in a streamlined solution. Been searching this library for the last weeks, and then you upload this — thank you! Gonna give it a go.
Posted on June 19 2020 by Torley |
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Simple and useful.
Posted on October 07 2020 by Syn |
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Hey, the concept of the device seems great but I'm having a few problems, when I hover over the pitch wheel my mouse just disappears and it becomes unusable. Is it just doing this for me ?
Posted on April 06 2021 by Shinwoir |
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@Shinwoir - I remember experiencing the same problem with Max plugins in the past, sometimes the mouse cursor disappears and I had to click on the plugin again to make it appear. I have never known what caused the problem but with the latest versions of Max it has not happened to me again.
Posted on April 07 2021 by killihu |
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@killihu okay thanks! Seems like it was resolved on my end as welll
Do you know by any chance if the knobs for the wheels could be automated on the playlist? Somehow when I click on them I don't get an option to, don't really know if it's possible I know nothing about M4L
Thanks for ur hard work btw
Do you know by any chance if the knobs for the wheels could be automated on the playlist? Somehow when I click on them I don't get an option to, don't really know if it's possible I know nothing about M4L
Thanks for ur hard work btw
Posted on April 08 2021 by Shinwoir |
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(seems like I can't edit my comment, but actually it works for the modwheel, not the pitchwheel)
Posted on April 08 2021 by Shinwoir |
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@Shinwoir - To automate the Pitchbend knob use the "MIDI Wheels B" plugin.
Posted on April 08 2021 by killihu |
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PERFECT. Only problem is that I can't donate!! :(
I'd be happy to chip in $3, this device perfectly solved my problem.
I use this basically as a fine-tune add-on for the Simpler device.
TLDR: this is my favorite way to fix a sample that is slightly out of tune (ie, flat or sharp by +/- 50 cents). Because Simpler does not have fine tuning, and you don't want to use Sampler.
- You're layering two one-shots: sampleC4 and sampleD4. You try using Simpler and a device chain to layer the sounds. You tune sampleD4 down 2 semitones in simpler (using the Transpose knob on one-shot Simpler mode), to correct the difference in root note. Hopefully, now two the samples are in tune with each other.
- THE ISSUE: sampleD4 is still out of tune, a few cents sharp actually. So when you layer the sounds, and play them in unison, they are slightly out of tune from each other (gross).
- You don't want to switch to a Sampler device just to do some basic fine tuning. You could manually time-stretch your audio file, but who has time for that (I'm lazy).
- Virtually "freeze" and offsetting incoming pitch bend wheel value for all incoming midi notes. And of course, be able to do this in a device chain, ie, not globally, so that you can tune different instances of Simpler.
- So now, you add this device right before the Simpler device containing sampleD4. And adjust the "pitchbend" parameter of Midi Wheels 1.1, downward slightly (with the "Free" box activated). NOW, every time you press a midi note, Midi Wheels 1.1 will virtually 'lock in' the pitch bend wheel value, JUST FOR THAT DEVICE CHAIN.
- Now, you can layer a bunch of shitty samples you downloaded online, that nobody took the time to finetune, and quickly finetune them within your Live Set so that they all sound nice when in unison, all while using Simpler.
TLDR: this is my favorite way to fix a sample that is slightly out of tune (ie, flat or sharp by +/- 50 cents). Because Simpler does not have fine tuning, and you don't want to use Sampler.
I'd be happy to chip in $3, this device perfectly solved my problem.
I use this basically as a fine-tune add-on for the Simpler device.
TLDR: this is my favorite way to fix a sample that is slightly out of tune (ie, flat or sharp by +/- 50 cents). Because Simpler does not have fine tuning, and you don't want to use Sampler.
- You're layering two one-shots: sampleC4 and sampleD4. You try using Simpler and a device chain to layer the sounds. You tune sampleD4 down 2 semitones in simpler (using the Transpose knob on one-shot Simpler mode), to correct the difference in root note. Hopefully, now two the samples are in tune with each other.
- THE ISSUE: sampleD4 is still out of tune, a few cents sharp actually. So when you layer the sounds, and play them in unison, they are slightly out of tune from each other (gross).
- You don't want to switch to a Sampler device just to do some basic fine tuning. You could manually time-stretch your audio file, but who has time for that (I'm lazy).
- Virtually "freeze" and offsetting incoming pitch bend wheel value for all incoming midi notes. And of course, be able to do this in a device chain, ie, not globally, so that you can tune different instances of Simpler.
- So now, you add this device right before the Simpler device containing sampleD4. And adjust the "pitchbend" parameter of Midi Wheels 1.1, downward slightly (with the "Free" box activated). NOW, every time you press a midi note, Midi Wheels 1.1 will virtually 'lock in' the pitch bend wheel value, JUST FOR THAT DEVICE CHAIN.
- Now, you can layer a bunch of shitty samples you downloaded online, that nobody took the time to finetune, and quickly finetune them within your Live Set so that they all sound nice when in unison, all while using Simpler.
TLDR: this is my favorite way to fix a sample that is slightly out of tune (ie, flat or sharp by +/- 50 cents). Because Simpler does not have fine tuning, and you don't want to use Sampler.
Posted on October 31 2021 by g8tr1522 |
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Hey there, love the device. Small request, can you please make Pitchbend key assignable on MIDI Wheels A. device? Thanks in advance.
Posted on January 12 2022 by njassal |
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@njassal - You can use the MIDI Wheels B device to assign whatever MIDI control you want to the Pitchbend control. Click and drag on the control below the Pitchbend knob to select it.
Posted on January 17 2022 by killihu |
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Nice one, thanks dude!
Posted on March 01 2023 by bassattack99 |
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This is great. The only problem is that midi wheels blocks some data. It blocks program change msgs and some other stuff i cant remember.
Can you please fix it ?
Can you please fix it ?
Posted on February 03 2024 by FloorForce |
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@FloorForce - Device updated.
Posted on February 05 2024 by killihu |
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uau that was fast. thanks!
Posted on February 05 2024 by FloorForce |
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Mapped the Octave control to a macro and it works in reverse--turning it up decreases the octave and turning it down increases the octave.
Posted on August 10 2024 by cparadisi |
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@cparadisi - The control used for transposition ( has the minimum value at the top position and the maximum value at the bottom position. So I had to invert the output to display it correctly on the device.
Posted on August 19 2024 by killihu |
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Great device, thanks for sharing. Only issue I have is that when you automate PB from an LFO or other device, MIDI Wheels fills up Live´s undo queue.
Posted on January 13 2025 by peterlaar |
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Great device, thanks for sharing. Only issue I have is that when you automate PB from an LFO or other device, MIDI Wheels fills up Live´s undo queue.
Posted on January 13 2025 by peterlaar |
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@peterlaar - Mapping the MIDI Wheels B Pitchbend knob to an LFO instance does not cause any undo history issues.
Posted on January 13 2025 by killihu |
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