Device Details


Name | Version: Stepic 1.5.0
Author: Devicemeister
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: Stepic isn’t just a comprehensive 16 step sequencer. Its 8 integrated independent modulation sequencers - each configurable with its own sequence and note length - make it a powerful sound shaping tool with polyrhythmic capabilities. You can map and automate any Live or Midi CC parameter. Want to modulate the filter cutoff or wavetable position of Live's Wavetable?! Simply activate mapping mode in Stepic and select the desired parameter directly from Live's UI. Done! And Stepic has a lot more to offer. A brief overview:

• 16 step sequencer.
• Per section configurable sequence length (pitch, octave, velocity, ect.).
• 8 indipendent modulation sequencers.
• Per modulation sequencer configurable modulation target (Ableton Live or MIDI CC).
• Individual sequence and note length per modulation sequencer.
• Polyphony: Per step chord editor with 6 octave range.
• Custom note length option for note- and modulation sequencers (range 1/99 to 99/1).
• 16 pattern storage.
• Pattern concatenation.
• Extendable pattern length up to 16 bars (for each pattern).
• Maximum sequence length: 4096 steps (16 steps x 16 bars x 16 patterns).
• Step connect option for merging two or multiple steps into one.
• Fully customizable scale system.
• Over 220 randomization options for almost any device value.
• Per section quick shuffle to get results fast.
• Per section clipboard (copy & paste) to speed up workflow.
• Random step play order.
• Various per section retrigger options.
• Fully scaleable native user interface.
Release Notes 1.5.0
• MIDI Play (Tranpose, Arpeggiator, Chord Play, Pitch Bend Transpose).
• MIDI Mapping
• MIDI Thru

Release Notes 1.4.2
• Minor bug fixes & optimizations.

Release Notes 1.4.1
• Fix: User manual doesn't load (macOS only).

Release Notes 1.4
• New: MIDI Export via Drag & Drop.
• New: Quick Copy.
• New: Parameter Lock.
• New: Note Preview.

Release Notes 1.3.8
• New: Native Apple M1/Silicon support for Stepic's UI component
• Fixed a bug with Pattern Change via Live Automation in Arrangement View

Release Notes 1.3.5
• New OpenGL GUI Render Mode
• Minor bug-fixes

Release Notes 1.3
• New MIDI Target Device Manager
• New Modulation Default Value Option: 'Off'
• New Pattern Save Mode: Instant
• Improved parameter assignment in MIDI CC Modulation Mode
• Improved representation of selected Chord and Scales Notes

Release Notes 1.2.4
• Pattern Change via Program Change Message (e.g. to trigger pattern changes via Live Clips)

Release Notes 1.2.3
• Added pitch note indicators to pitch faders

Release Notes 1.2.1
• Added pitch note indicators to pitch faders
• Added step number indicators in lower half of UI for better UX/navigation.

Release Notes 1.1.1
• Minor bug-fixes and ux optimizations.

Release Notes 1.1
• New: Note On/Off Probability.
• New: Note Repeat section with Transpose Mode, Range & Offset.
• New: Chord Copy To/From.
• New: Chord Cycle.
• New: Fader option for modulation values.


Live Version Used: 11.3
Max Version Used: 8.1.11
Date Added: Nov 28 2020 15:05:19
Date Last Updated: Jul 28 2023 17:43:44
Downloads: 0
License: Commercial
Average Rating (1)

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demo video?
looks pretty dope on paper, but a demo video would be nice
This device is really cool, it's worth every cent.
Very funny to play with.
The user interface is well thought, packs a lot of functionality, is easy to operate and looks simply great.
Thumbs up!
I cannot get the modulation sequencer to work it will not target parameters in live.

The map button will not work
Hi 8fold,
you can only map parameters, while Live's transport is stopped. I saw, you joined our Discord yesterday. Feel free to contact me there if you have further questions. I will help you.
Jens / Devicemeister
Looks good but need video before one can even contemplate buying it.

In this short demonstration Stepic plays and controls Vital synthesizer plugin by Vital Audio. The device chain only consists of Stepic and Vital. No additional stuff used (except the beat loop). Stepic plays the note sequence and modulates the following parameters with its 8 independent modulation sequencers of Vital:
1. Oscillator 1 Spectral Morph
2. Oscillator 1 Wave Morph
3. Filter 1 Cutoff
4. Filter 1 Resonance
5. Delay Mix
6. Delay Sync Left
7. Delay Sync Right
8. Distortion Filter Cutoff

Jens / Devicemeister
Some solid Mira support and im allll yours! looks great!
This is the sequencer I've been looking for! I'm so happy I found something so flexible and thorough. I'm surprised no other developer has made anything nearly as good. The creator is also very hands on and supportive, clearly cares about creating a quality product.
Has it got drag&drop clip function?
Im really happy with the sequencer, although i have some remarks.

- Duration works only when tie is placed after the note.
Would give a faster workflow to use duration without ticking tie steps.

- Althogh duration doesn't work correctly. Only 0 and 127 values working for me. I have tried with more synth patches. No middle sized note length. Only max and min values exists.

- When randomizing steps ties also randomly placed. Like this ties sometimes placed where no effect, because no note before.

- Chord function missing a random button. Ticking to additional notes are not always enough fast and playful. For me this would be the most important addition.

- Swing is not checked properly. Im not sure its working like midi delay. So adding delay in way of - and + would be great.

- When patterns are chained the jump automatically in a normal way. If you want to make changes lets say on pattern2 (when 1-2 chained) you can't do this because its jumping. A pattern lock maybe an option when more pattern are played.

Otherwise an excellent software, thanks for the resizeable GUI.
Hey arno,

thanks for your feedback. Some points you made are not 100% clear, what you exactly mean (especially the parts regarding duration). If you find the time, visit me on my Discord server (link in desciption) and we can discuss these points in detail. But let me anser the points I already understood:

3. you are making a good point here. Tied/Connected steps should be treated as single units during random step play order. I add this request to the feature list for upcoming releases.

4. I already have plans to optimize the note input for chord notes. I think, it will be available in Jan./Feb. 2021.

6. This feature already exists. Activate the yellow 'hold' toggle button in the top area to disable/pause automatic pattern changes.

Jens / Devicemeister

Stepic is far the best one and most complex, so after i few days i really love it.

Also started to like the method of making chords.

About duration: (as i experienced):
Eg.: I have a step on 8th step. I don't put a blue "con" step to 9th.
This case the duration doesn't really have a wide spectrum to set note length.
BUT, i started to be familiar this way. At first i set the note length with "Con" after i can use duration for some fine adjustments.

Swing: I probably misunderstood this function sorry for that.
I thought its a midi delay (Nudge-/+) function. Although this would be a nice addition.

If im already writing a long, i would share my opinion about automation GUI. For me a fader type gives a visually better feedback, than knob style.

Maybe a range function can be good addition for Duration/Velocity/Swing/Divider functions.
Hi arnou,

appreciated your visit on Discord, yesterday. Very nice & interesting conversation!
Although we sorted out your points, i'll also give feedback here, because it might interest others as well.

Duration: Duration in Stepic goes from 0 to 100 (%) and only affects the length of the played note while the length of the step remains the note length the sequencer is currently running at. And if you connect a step via step connect feature, it will add 100 (%) duration to to the note duration of its previous step.

Step-Swing: the step-based swing feature is basically a note-offset, that shifts back the time, when the note will be played within its step.

Automation fader option: I already started to implement an alternative fader option for the automation/modulation area. Should be available within the next weeks.

Range: Currently, there is an option to set up the range of the random generator for octave, duration, velocity, step-swing and divider. The actual ranges / travel ways of the value faders will remain the same (e.g. 0 to 100 for duration).

Hope, this clears things up.
Jens / Devicemeister
A new video showing Stepic in action:

Jens / Devicemeister
I think I'm addicted to step sequencers, so I have quite a few over the years.

This is definitely a good one. There are some things that I would like to see or can't quite get to work as in-tented.

The indicator that tells you what note you have selected down the left sider isn't very good solution & personally would prefer a value that just told you the note when you select it rather than have to look across the screen & try & line up your fader. I understand you could select chord but then that's another click just to display a note.

Pre-sets do note save the key & scale.

There is no way to randomly input values, you can of course set them to trigger randomly but there is no way to quickly input a set of random values with one click.

Below are just features i would like to see but i don't thinks its likely they would be added.

Note repeat & divider is always a good thing & i like how the repeat will stay in scale when you transpose the repeated notes. It would be nice to have a few more options than just up & down like with an arp & also different timing as in michael lancasters VSS. It would also be great to have the option of being polyphonic as well seeing as the main sequencer is polyphonic.

Hey Rosko, thanks for the feedback. I will look into the problems you mentioned.

However, I do not understand the following point: "There is no way to randomly input values".

Stepic has dice functions in each section for random value entry. Or do you mean something else?

If you want to discuss your points in more detail, feel free to visit me on Discord.
Hi Devicemeister,

Pre-sets do note save the key & scale.

It appears that it does save key & scale & that i probably didn't save properly so please disregard.

There is no way to randomly input values..

Again my mistake I think i got confused by the random generating dice & the random input.
This looks fantastic and well thought out! Just curious if there are
Any lemur templates out there or plans/tips on integrating this with Mira or iPad/Tablet support? Looks like a GUI that I would love to have on a touchscreen.
Anywho happy holidays and lookin' good!

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