Comments by nukage

Apparently Au5 uses Soothe to do this same thing but its really CPU intense
Very cool... I have a track in a strange key and this little device really helped me create an 808 sound that reinforces the bass frequency while also being audible without a sub
Odd behavior when I have my Ableton Push 2 plugged in. Seems to work fine after I disconnect the Push. I was really excited about this until that happened..
Wow. That is all.
Any idea how to get this working on Launchpad X? Works great for my Launchpad Mk2 but does not work at all for Launchpad X...
Very interesting, I didn't know Clyphx could be set up this way, I learn new things about it all the time.
does this make any difference if you're playing in midi notes live with a keyboard, as opposed to using a midi hardware sequencer or something?
Exactly what I was looking for to make sure that when I'm recording loops, I'm actually coming in on the correct bar for the quantization.
Looks great, congrats on a really cool looking first device. I just started programming with max myself.