Comments by nexusqu

My bad - I overlooked the 'random range' dials.
Great device idea! It seems the 'randomise variation' button doesn't work? I assume it's meant to assign random variation choices to each step. 'Randomise step on/off' works fine.
Would be neat if you could manually reposition the balls when the device is 'off'. Or double-clicking a ball toggles its velocity (ie keeping it frozen while the others still move around and potentially collide).
(oops, meant that comment for bve.zerogravitycontrol)
Would be neat if you could manually reposition the balls when the device is 'off'. Or double-clicking a ball toggles its velocity (ie keeping it frozen while the others still move around and potentially collide).
Excellent! A minor bug: could the device respect Live's skin colours? The buffer size textbox shows up as white-on-white when using a light skin.
Hi! None of the parameters show up on Push. With light Ableton theme, all the text except for 'Prob' shows up as light as well, making it hard to read.
Hi! The patch works but spams the undo history with live.button[1]. On Push 2, one also sees the parameter constantly turn on and off for each note let through.
Really great!
Excellent results! Is it possible to have parameters exposed for macroing? The source level, pan and reverb settings can't be mapped.

Would also be handy if the parameters were visible and banked on Push :)
Is it possible to rename macros? What is the Push support like?
It'd be useful if the receiver had an option to merge regular MIDI data rather than exclusively play what is received from the sender.
Excellent patch, thanks for sharing!
Very good!
Awesome work!
How well does this support Push 2, or what kind of integration is offered? The manual says nothing.
Looks like a good device at a fair price!

Maybe it's beyond the scope of the device, but could be interesting if there was a hold mode and repeat length. Eg, one could activate hold and with a default repeat length of 1x, it effectively loops the envelope continually. But it could be set at a multiplier. Eg 2x would mean that the envelope stage would run, and then the signal would be dry for the same length of time, and then activates again and so on.

Does this work with Live 10? I get a semi-blank device panel when loading the MASTER patch. No config options show up, nor does the SLAVE device seem to function.

Looks like an interesting device, but not working on Live 10.0.4 on Windows. Max console has these errors:

bpatcher: bpatcher: error loading patcher MapButton.maxpat
gen.patcher: could not find gen patcher drunken
js: can't find file stringFormat.js
bpatcher: bpatcher: error loading patcher multimap.maxpat
bpatcher: patchcord outlet out of range: deleting patchcord
bpatcher: patchcord inlet out of range: deleting patchcord
bpatcher: patchcord inlet out of range: deleting patchcord
js: js: no function text [stringFormat.js]
js: js: no function text [stringFormat.js]
Looks interesting!

I get extremes in pitch - can you explain more what the two transpose options do?

It also seems to have a lot of 'dead spots' in the parameters, where it makes a few notes and then stops. Can you offer some suggestions on how best to use it?
Thanks for looking into it! I tried version 2.1.4 but still have the same problem :/
I'm on Max 8 on Windows. The top section seems to work, but not the bottom. I get the error: "newobj: +bubbler~: No such object"
Needs an update. Stuck notes, expanders don't seem to work.
Mapping the Honey Mapper to a VST parameter works fine, but how do I map the Honey Mapper to a rack macro?
Great device!

Small bug report: macro knob names can be changed, but this doesn't show up on the Push 2 display. They stay as 'MACROA1' etc.