Device Details


Name | Version: Hocket 1.0
Author: ricoL
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: A pair of devices for flexible voice allocation in Live.

Hocket S. (send) takes the MIDI note messages on a track and splits them up into single-note events which are routed to up to eight other channels with Hockey R. (Receive) devices. This allows for one piece of melodic content to be split up among multiple instruments, achieving a hocketing effect.

Watch the demo:

Hocketing is a technique that divides one melody among two or more voices. Hocketing appears in many folk music traditions (Indonesian Gamelan, Ukranian Pan-pipe ensembles, and the extremely rad vocal music of Central African Foragers), in the European classical tradition hocketing was used primarily in vocal music of the 13th and early 14th centuries. Notable uses of hocketing in modern music can be found from Meredith Monk or The Dirty Projectors. The MONO/POLY produced by Korg in 1981 is a paraphonic synthesizer capable of producing hocketing effects, and the original inspiration for this device.

***All Proceeds from the sale of this device will go to the NAACP Legal Defense Fund***

You can just download it for free if you want, but if you pay for it your tracks will sound better. So please consider making a donation!


Live Version Used: 10.1.9
Max Version Used: 8.1.3
Date Added: Jul 07 2020 12:34:14
Date Last Updated: Jul 07 2020 13:30:58
Downloads: 0
License: AttributionShareAlike
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can't wait to abuse this goodie. I have several ideas that have just been realized by manipulations of Hocket. I am certain this will be the coolest purchase I've made in a quite a while. This is a brilliant idea. Kudos, Sir!
You're right: it does sound much better since I paid for it.
Very good!
Looks fantastic, about to buy it. One suggestion for a possible v2 would be a shift register mode (like the intellijel shifty, which i use for this kind of stuff in modular) where every note on the initial sequence sends a trigger to all of the devices and the note info is shifted down the line so you get these cool chords on each step.
Hi there,

Great work

I made a tutorial about it, it's in French though

Thanks a lot!
Hi there - this stopped working correctly in Live 11 - it no longer sends note off events. Any idea how I can fix it? Thanks!
I tested this in Live 11 and it still worked great for me, I couldn't replicate the issue with missing midi note off messages. It could be something else in the chain maybe?

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