Device Details


Name | Version: 856 1.0
Author: oldtoy
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: Based on the "856 for Zellersasn" guitar pedal, this device allows you to manipulate your audio input in various ways.
It can be a repeater, a pitchshifter, a randomizer, an arpeggiator etc...
It uses a delay line to apply some parameters so you'd need to wait sometimes few seconds to let the buffer fill its memory.
There's some presets to demonstrate some basics.
You can have up to 4 voices, 64 subdivisions of the buffer (don't try that with short buffer/delay line), 8 pitch max for a pitch sequence, also a "fake grainer".

Great with guitars.

Hope you'll have fun.
Let me know if you have any trouble.

Works in Live 9.7.1 Osx 10.12




Live Version Used: 9.7.1
Max Version Used: 8.1.1
Date Added: Jan 19 2020 15:21:04
Date Last Updated: Jan 20 2020 09:18:57
Downloads: 2510
License: None
Average Rating (7)

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Device File: 856.amxd


Awesome work!
finally got a feedback. Thank you :)
Hi! I tried to use this device but somehow the effect does not reset when i let go of my piano keys. I.e, on the first chord it works as expected, but next time there are strange jumpy pauses between the chord sequences (i.e., if i play C major, it's C-E-G - pause - C-E-G - pause etc), but after a few pauses it starts working again like in the first time.

And if i press the "reset" button on the device, it works again, but for the first chord only.

(ableton live 10, win 10)
oops wrong thread!
Love this plugin. One thing- I can't figure out what the "Dir/Frd" knob does - it doesn't seem to turn
Hey, as it’s a two values knob you have to go straight up or down to change its state. From reverse to forward.
Is there any kind of manual or tutorial for this?
This is a good one.
love this - thanks!

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