Comments by happytosh

Hey that's an interesting bug!
I tried here with Arturia Piano v2 as well and i don't have this issue my end, so i don't know what could be causing it sorry!

I updated the file here now if you want to make sure you have the same version I've got.
I just tested the one I've got here and it seems to be doing max 16 notes. Should be doing 32. I'm not doing Max these days, but I'll upload the one I have in case the one here is outdated.

Also make sure the instrument you are using is set to a higher number of voices than 8!

Many are default at 6, like Operator and Sampler.
hey! yes it works with Push 2. Works with all MIDI in fact!
Nice UI indeed! dont have monome or ipad but i have push... does it accept midi note input too?
Bravo nice device and thank you!
Google drive link:
Here is a link to Nerd Electro Lite Beta. It has added noise-generator and some other improvements!
Thanks! I will see what I can do about that! I have an idea of a cool way to implement it :)
Sorry, I meant note -> pitch conversion. There are some errors in the code of the original device... I was planning to fix it, but havent gotten around to it yet. The thing is, the steps on the pitch-dial are not the same all the way: Close to original pitch it's quarter-notes, further out the pitch-steps increase, and at the far ends the steps are very far, so when you want to play this with midi-notes, the conversion needs to be well worked out.
Nice one!

Did you make any adjustments to the not -> pitch conversion of the original?
nice one :)
There are some errors with the note->speed conversion. I will attempt to fix this with the next version of my device (Volca Sample Control - Happy Tosh edit.) You can find it here if you are interested :)
Thanks I will check that out!
I think maybe there is one device that comes with Live too :)

I made some changes...

Added option to use only dial for speed - useful for drum rack part.

+ Gui changes

Digital font used for LCD:
I'm planning to give MIDI-input to a nice filter. Set midi channel is perhaps the best option? The point is ofc to use the note-on/offs and the velocity etc to make the filter behave like it was part of any synth/sampler. What do you think of this idea?
Nice thanks I will try that :)
Hey I've taken the liberty to steal your 303 style square for my synth Nerd Bass. Thanks for your nice work :)
I have extracted the leslie :)
You can download it from my user here.
Update from me: I have to drop a clip/soundfile into the plugin window to make it work. Then it works great :)
Jeg synes forøvrig tuning av oscillatorer er noe av det viktigste i en additiv synth :)
Jeg kan sjekke FM-delen :)
I min synth "Nerd Electro" har jeg laget LFOer ved å "sample" en waveform og deretter å konvertere verdiene til å passe til parameteret du vil kontrollere. Du kan bruke Snapshot~ til å sample en waveform, og så er det enkel matte å konvertere de tallverdiene du får :) Pass på at samplingsfrekvensen er minst dobbelt så høy som LFO-hastigheten!
Den funker :D
Haha :D

Jeg skal laste den ned og prøve nå :)
Can't you give direct access to mappable parameters with a separate little window or something?
woops - wrong plugin i commented on there, sorry...
Can't you give direct access to mappable parameters with a separate little window or something?
Learning a lot from your excellent work thanks :)

Do you really have no license on your devices, or is it written somewhere else?
no, sorry my mistake... had the old one still. works now :D
the version i just downloaded is unlocked and unfrozen :/

but do get that much needed sleep man!
I think you need to at least lock+freeze and reupload
yes i really want to test this thing!
I'll see what I can find when I have time.
Still no sound...
Should make sound right away, no?
All your devices look so tasty! You make incredibly good use of the simple Ui possibilities of Max for Live. Inspiring!
I will browse the collection and see if I find anything I could use :)
Hello nice pack :)

I have one problem:
Anti-warp doesnt work for me. It's just quiet when I turn Dry/Wet to Wet.
I use Ableton 9.1.6b2 and Max MSP 6.1.9
The latest one was not locked and frozen... If you want some help debugging the FM, I could check it out :)
Hey I can't get any sound out of this either. When I tested the beta you linked to me I got a few seconds of sound, then it died. Strange!
Thanks a lot Monetus!!
Hey, the synth looks great, but Monetus is right. You need to Lock and freeze. I've used the same tutorials myself in the making of my (rather messy under the hood) Nerd Electro. I really want to check out your synth once you have re-posted to see how you've done things :)
Thanks for the tips Monetus! I'm not sure that I understand all you are saying, but I will look into it when I can :)
(I'm pretty much learning Max on my own as I'm making this, so no wonder if some of my patching is strange or even plain bad :P)
Nice one! I have to check out that sounds like a lot of fun! :)
Hey thanks for the detailed review of the interface Anivia!

I did actually originally have much less red in the design, and I don't really like that much red in the design either. I will focus on more simplicity and nicer colours in the next update of the design :)

If you want to sketch a design I would love to check it out!

Thank you!
I just uploaded version 0.3.1 with some Ui improvements :)