Comments by dennisdesantis

Hi shinytheshin,

Undo management with Max for Live devices is certainly tricky sometimes.

But with this device, what's the particular case that's causing the history to fill up for you? I don't think I'm able to reproduce this here.

Hi carlosbtlr,

Could you share a video with me that demonstrates the "top voice only" behavior that you've described? I can't reproduce this. For me, all notes at a given slice of time should be erased when creating a new note, leaving only that note in place.

Hi two20eight,

To clarify - you're talking about using the Duration filter, right?

I can't reproduce this problem. For me, Duration is correctly selecting notes within the Low/High range in Live 12.

One thing - it's sometimes a bit hard to *see* which notes are selected in Live 12. Is it possible this is the issue?

Otherwise, please feel free to send me a video of the issue, or detailed steps to reproduce the bug, or even a Set. You can mail me at

Unfortunately, it isn't currently possible for the Max MIDI tools to make changes to note selection.
This is excellent.

Good catch. Indeed, it doesn't work with scene follow actions. It DOES appear to work with clip follow actions, which I'm actually surprised by. I never really tested this.

I don't think it's possible to make this work with scene follow actions. The device depends on some very particular properties of clips, and I don't think this can be adapted to also work for scenes. I will take a look and see if I can figure out a solution.

Hi salmociu,

This is possible to do, and is actually available in the related devices I mention ( and

I deliberately didn't put this in my version, though, because I thought it would be a bit complicated to have these options alongside the options for disabling steps.

Can you describe a bit about what you want to do that you can't do by disabling specific steps?
Hi hatyn,

I *think* duration is working as expected, but bugs are certainly possible! Can you send me a Set or a video that demonstrates what you're experiencing, and what's not working as you expect?

One thing - the device doesn't really have anything to do with the start and end markers in the clip. It operates on the selected notes (or every note if there's no selection), no matter where they are in the clip.

Hi pluto,

I'm not sure I understand your request. Is the idea that it should capture a certain number of random values and then repeat them? There isn't really a "state" at all right now; it just picks a new random value when it gets a new note. So there's no way to determine how many values would be in the loop. Something like a parameter sequencer would probably work better in this case.

Hi folks,

Please use if you're using Live 11.1 or higher.

Hi Pat,

The Live 11.1 beta was announced today, and I'm working on a version of the device that I thing should solve all of the compatibility issues with Live 11.

If you're testing 11.1 and would like to try out the updated version of the device, please let me know.

Hi markusschloesser,

Unfortunately, it's not actually possible for me to update this to be completely compatible with Live 11 yet. The "older process" referred to in that warning dialog is the only way to affect the selection of notes. The updated method for working with notes supports MPE, but it doesn't allow note selection to be managed.

As soon as it becomes possible for me to update this, I will!

Hi Drewskee,

I wonder if a better solution for this particular case would be to use multiple instances of the device, rather than one mapped to multiple parameters. Since the device also passes the raw MIDI note, any additional instance further down the chain will create a different random value.

What do you think?
And one more bug...I think the Phaser rate knob is non-functional. The Feedback control seems to work, however.
Oh, one more request: it would be nice to see values for the various parameters (especially the synced delay time, envelope/LFO amounts, etc.)
This is really well done. Excellent work.

One bug and two requests:

- sometimes, the HP branch doesn't work after instantiation. It seems to "wake up" after adjusting the sequencer a bit, but before this, it outputs no sound at all. The BP and LP don't have this issue.

Request 1:
- in the Reason version, it's possible to disable the individual filters, but still leave the rest of the chain active (meaning the gate and all of the effects.) It would be great to have this option here.

Request 2:
- in the Reason version, some of the built-in patterns have longer sustained passages where the gate remains open. It would be nice to be able to reproduce this, perhaps using x0x style ties.