Keep Follow On Version 0.5
When the device is on, Live\'s Follow button will remain on,...
Parameter Rotation Version 2
Rotates the pitches, durations, velocities, or other single ...
Flip Sustain Version 1.0
This device inverts the polarity of incoming sustain pedal m...
Auto Flush Notes Version 2
This device automatically stops all notes whenever the globa...
Renumber Scenes Version 1.5
Pressing the Renumber button renumbers the scenes in the Set...
Pitch Rotation Version 0.6
Rotates the pitches of the selected MIDI notes to the right ...
Directional Scale Version 1.0.1
A clone of Live\'s Scale MIDI effect, modified to allow diff...
Slice Notes Version 2
Evenly splits each selected MIDI note into a user-selectable...
Reorder Notes Version 1.0
Randomly reorders the selected notes in a clip (or all notes...
Metric Modulator Version 1.2
Metric Modulator automatically creates metric modulations ba...
Selection Filter Version 1.0.2
NOTE: This device is deprecated. The newer version is Select...
Pitch Stepper Version 2
Gets a selection of MIDI notes (or a whole clip), extracts t...
Monophonic Clips Version 1.1
This device makes designated MIDI clips behave like monophon...
MIDI Sample and Hold Version 1.1
MIDI Sample and Hold is a modified version of Live’s gener...
Note Wrap Version 1.0
Normally, moving notes with the arrow keys can push them out...
Pickup Notes Version 1.0.1
Pickup Notes manages the quantized launching of audio or MID...
Delete Muted Clips Version 1.01
Deletes all muted / deactivated clips in either the Arrangem...
Note Triggered Modulator Version 1.2
This device is a variable-length parameter sequencer that ad...
Polymetric Note Lanes Version 1.1
Allows each note lane of a MIDI clip to be assigned its own ...
Extract Notes Version 1.0
Extract each populated lane of the selected MIDI clip to a n...
Happy Holidays Version 1.0
A tree with blinking lights. It doesn\'t do anything else (b...
Note Triggered Modulator L12 Version 1.0
*Note: this device only works in Live 12 or higher. For olde...
Selection Filter 2 Version 2.0.4
NOTE: This device is fully compatible with Live 11.1 or high...
MIDI Sample and Hold L12 Version 1.0
A modified version of Live\'s generic modulation LFO. Rather...