Comments by dekmantel

@denork: no, not at all.. i mean, it's all there in the description really. you can use this device to bind the insertion of any device to a key on your computer's keyboard as part of your default live template.

for instance; in my case the [1] key puts the native 'utility' device onto the selected track, [2] 'eq-eight', [3] drum buss etc.

i find the live browser increasingly cumbersome to use with its (for me) pointless separation of plugin types, so it's useful to have my most-used devices bound to key strokes. and then elisabethhomeland's visual browser helps with keeping track of the rest.
One of those workflow improvements you can't do without once you have it. The device works really well and the developer is very responsive.

Setting things up may take a while if you have a lot of devices, since you will need to make screenshots and load the file list into VB. Still, it comes out of the box with the collection of native Live devices and some of the maxforlive extras.

On Mac you can either choose to script the setup part, or do it manually. The method I used was: make screenshots of your devices > rename the files to the correct device name (using underscores for spaces) > select all and copy/paste the files into Textedit > find / replace [.png] to [, ] > copy / paste the list in the add card field in VB > add > copy the screenshots to the relevant VB subfolder.
When choosing a device Live may actually load the preset that comes alphabetically first, rather than just the default device - which is annoying Live Browser behaviour - but the dev fixed this by allowing you to choose the item position in the list of search results.

All in all it is definitely worth the effort on the user side and since Ableton doesn't seem to care about doing an overhaul of the mess that is the Live Browser any time soon, this, at least for me, is THE way to go and an elegant solution at that.
An absolute steal for what it can do. 100 % workflow improvement, thank you!
It doesn't work in Live 10 either. Seems like it was not frozen on save, so there's a whole bunch of stuff missing.
the wavs (IRs?) are not included it seems
been looking for something like this for ages. works like a charm. 100% workflow improvement. thank you!
very useful. thank you!
excellent idea. works very nicely with pitch shifters as well
this sounds so good!
simple but extremely useful. thanks!
sounds amazing! thank you
lovely. gives an interesting timbre change on arpeggios and non-harmonic sources
fun, but output is patched incorrectly. the single output from slider should go into live.gain twice. now only the left channel is audible
musical results instantly! amazing device
reckon this is a joke?
to anyone wondering; knobs are not connected to anything. it's just plugin~ to plugout~. just so you don't waste your time like i did.
awesome! thanks so much
@meshgarden - hm indeed, one only receives the instruction file after buying the product, so it's probably better to mention this in de description, as it is quite a bother having to adjust the parameters on all instances of the device every time you open a project.

but i will try and add the state save in my copy, unless that is something that is already planned for a future update.
superior modulation possibilities for both musical and outlandish results. amazing device, this one.
doesn't work any longer in live10/max8
this device should be lifted into the pantheon of established effects; amongst phaser, flanger, chorus, delay, there will be 'zook'.

brilliant this one! thanks
& purchased. it's perfect!
@Bernhard: gumroad is a pain in that regard. what you could do (in case an author is not as responsive as meshgarden;) ) is link your bank account to paypal, allow gumroad to do their intrusive thing, but then remove that permission as soon as you have the device. still, it is a pointless bother indeed...
used it a couple of times in tracks now. it is very controlled and natural sounding. well done!
very good!
brilliant chorus. worth every cent
description is brilliant indeed!
very useful this one!