Comments by bilaldeledakrew

@gburks Even if it's a MIDI effect, you can put it in a MIDI track and control a parameter everywhere in your live set, even in audio tracks.
If you don't want to use this trick, you can open my plug-in in MaxForLive, copy all the architecture (you can see it clicking on Unfreeze device and Patching Mode) except Midi IN and MIDI Out objects and paste this in an empty "Max For Live Audio Effect".
Then you have your GRID FUNKTION Audio Effect ! Because this device don't use any midi or audio input, it will work the same
hhecka, i don't understand your question because this device is made to control only one parameter and re-arrange the curve
It can't control by itself more than one parameter so the answer is yes !
Hi yehezkelraz, i've fixed it, it was just a mistake setting Min/Max of the live.number..
Thanks for your mapping section by the way, i've changed the ON/OFF behaviour (only a bypass way) and kept the ONCE always active and so hidden but the non-exclusive mapping allowing multiples ones is really a better way than the one offered usually !

Hi dudes, sorry i didn't see your messages
I've updated the device, it was just a stupid bug
It should work now

Tell me

I've updated it to V2 !
I've made one but not yet with multiples parameters
Hi, Note Trigger Section is set to trigger note by button sending 1 when pressed and 0 when released.
What values do your buttons send ?
I've just updated it, a non-sense chord was troubling velocity
Hi, your device looks really great but i can't drag and drop a wav (that's what we're supposed to do, right ?)
or did you correctly set MIN/MAX ?
Did you active the ON (on my plug) for the effect you've mapped ? If the name appear, it should work correctly. It's normal that the parameter isn't greyed because i use a mapping section witch allow multiple mappings (the parameter isn't locked to only one max effect) and the original knob of the parameter can still be moved by itself
Cocorico ! 2 gais lurons ces 2 là..un plaisir
No, i tested it on MACbook pro/live 9/max6 and on PC/live 8.2 and it works
Thanks, simple but usefull !
Good one, simple but "no click-maker"..thanks !
hi dude, great idea once again !
just to say i've a trouble with reset on parameter 1, the snapping function works great with the 4 others but not with this one
so sometimes it's 0, sometimes not..
let us know if you update this (or if it's just with my Live 9.0.4)
Hi dude, it doesn't work for me with Live 9 / Max 6
the curve just switch between 0 and 127

Would you have any update or know a similar plug ?

great idea indeed
Same question as leanderr, this device is really powerfull and can't stay useless !
Bentosan, save us..
Hi dude, thank you for your plugs, ideas are really simple and great, i hope i could soon show you how i use them..
Just to say 2 things about your STEPMELODY :

I've edited the STEPS minimum bringing it to 1, it allows to go back to "classic mode" when resetting an automated knob, avoiding switching off the plug (Just a tip for your users, i dit it even if i know nothing about M4L, just open the editor and change the right number)

Could i suggest you adding a counter or another way to reset the step sequency, like in Hermmutt Lobby's COUNTERLOBBY ?
it would be usefull !

Yeah ! fantastic, i won't need to automate each Device ON/OFF like i used to..that's really a saving of time..
Could i suggest the same version but for the SOLO switch ?
(i mean : you push SOLO on one track, all devices on all others tracks switchs off)
Let me know if you do that, it would be usefull for me and i'm not yet a M4L programer
Thank you guy !