Comments by WillSavin

Yup! The image file's location is saved in the device and it is automatically recalled when you load up your session. You just need to make sure you don't move/delete the image you are using or the device won't be able to load it the next time you load up your project.
Thanks Drewskee!
Sure thing, I'll extend the range of the rate in Hz and add multiple bar times in the next update, once I've fixed some issues with the repeat setting. I believe Live has a device which can extend note lengths so that probably doesn't need changing.
For the moment, the issue of notes not always being triggered can probably be fixed by switching the probability mode from absolute to relative, as a new note is triggered at every step in this mode. If you were already using relative mode, then I had better figure out what's broken!
Thank you for pointing out those errors, I think somehow displayRange.js wasn't included while the others were. The bad outlet error was due to functions being called in JS before the patch had fully loaded, but I don't think that was causing any problems in the patch. I have fixed both of these issues now, thanks for the help!
I've tested the newest version on 3 different computers and it's working fine on all of them, on Windows and OSX. I'm not sure what the problem could be, are you using Max 7.3.3? And are you certain you are using the device correctly? Notes are only played when the sweep dial is moving, try attaching it to the M4L Essentials LFO to turn it automatically.
I've just uploaded a new version of the device, this might fix it but if not could you check one more thing for me? If you try to turn the min range past the max range or vice versa, is the other range dial moved with it so that the min can't be higher than the max?
I had a bit of trouble getting the sequence to stay in the same octaves each time, as the RNG range for the octave selector changes with each note it seems to mess up the sequence, so the notes should be the same each time, they'll just be in different octaves, unless you limit the range to one octave.
Fixing this will require changing a few things around, but it's doable.
Also make sure that you have a non-zero value for the seed, because when the seed is 0 the sequence cannot be repeated.
Thanks for the suggestion!

I've updated the device to repeat up to 255 steps for a user-defined seed.
Thanks for the suggestion!

I've updated the device to repeat up to 255 steps for a user-defined seed.
Hi Westboy,
Once the device is on a channel, you should see any currently held notes (cyan) on the keyboard display. When you turn the 'Sweep' dial, any of those notes which are passed by the sweep (yellow) are then played by whichever instrument/synthesiser device you are using on that track.
I hope this helps, if you still can't get it to work I'd be very grateful if you could send me some more information or screenshots of the device as it appears in your project so I can try and fix the issue.