Freeze Frame Version 1.2
This device uses the FFT to save snapshots of a track\'s fre...
LogistiGlitch Version 1.0
Pay what you want download at:
Harpeggiator Version 1.3
An arpeggiator with a twist, this device lets you create arp...
Stochastic MIDI Version 1.2
Generate random MIDI note messages with adjustable probabili...
AutoGliss Version 1.0
Free/pay what you want download at:
Grain Trail Version 1.1
This device is a real-time granulator which creates random g...
Vowel Filter Version 1.0
This device filters incoming audio using four formants to mi...
Spectral Compressor Version 1.0
This Max for Live device compresses individual frequency ban...
SpectraSketch Version 1.1
This device reads image files as frequency spectrum data, al...