Device Details
Name | Version: | VLM.Turbulent Sequencer 2.0 |
Author: | vulume |
Device Type: | MIDI Effect |
Description: | Periodic colored noise based sequencer for monosynths. Demo video Get it on Gumroad for updates Discuss on llllllllines Github for the TypeScript and C code _.~"(_.~"(_.~"(_.~"(_.~"(_.~"(_.~"(_.~"(_.~"(_.~"( A very tweakable deterministic random sequence generator where all parameters are automatable. It uses FFT and distributions to generate a sequence, so everything is repeatable. You can save the device as a preset or with your project and it will load up the same sequence. Automate a parameter to generate variations of the sequence throughout a track, or map it to an LFO to make infinite slowly evolving ambient sequences. - Set the length and seed for the random sequence. The sequence is reused for tones and dynamics. - "Beta" sets the color of the noise. At 0 it is white noise (a note has no correlation with the next note). At 2 it is brown noise (the next note is never far, but still random). At 1 it is pink noise (a mix between the two). Higher than 2 will let the periodicity constraint dominate the noise. At 10 there is no more randomness (seed doesn't matter). - "Period" sets the periodicity constraint of the FFT filter. It can be set as a percentage of the sequence length, and snapped to a whole number step count. This is best explored with "Beta" up to 10. It has no effect when "Beta" is set to 0. - "Morph" rotates the complex-number sequence from which the sequence is pulled. ~^~^~Tone generation~^~^~^~^~^~ Tones are generated from a distribution of octaves and notes in the octave. It is kind of like a probability distribution, but there is no more randomness at this point. The filtered noise sequence is mapped to this distribution. - With the piano you can easily filter out notes without losing the distribution. The shift and rotate knobs make it more playable. - Can also be shifted with MIDI input (center = C3). - Set a white-keys only scale and steep distribution curve for the first ever meaningful mode-based random generation. Ionian and Dorian actually sound different! There are actual tonics! ~^~^~Dynamics generation~^~^~^~^~ Dynamics are generated in a similar way. The sequence is split in 3 resizable regions which can be assigned Rest, Tie, and/or Accent. MIDI input velocity is taken into account when in MIDI clock mode. ~^~^~Playback~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~ The resulting MIDI loop can be seen in the piano roll. Long notes tie to the next. Purple colored background notes are accented. Hollow notes are rests. "Fold" shows only possible notes, "Span" shows all from lowest to highest note. The MIDI loop can be nudged left and right, and start and end points can be set. There are 2 playback modes - MIDI clock: Step on midi note input. Very tight and allow the use other MIDI sources and Live's groove pool etc. Resync on Live play. Prefer this option if you use MIDI note shifting. - Live Sync: Sync with Live's clock. Sloppy but has timeline sync. Prefer this option if you automate other parameters. _.~"~._.~"~._.~"~._.~"~._.~"~._.~"~._.~"~._.~"~._ The zip contains the .amxd MIDI device and a project with presets with ideas for acid house, chords, minimalist music... v0.1 Initial release. v0.2 Fixed js dependencies. v1.0 Ported to Java. MIDI input. Nudge/start/end loop controls. Documentation. v2.0 Ported to C. Keywords: generative algorithmic parametric step sequencer fourier transform bassline slink |
Live Version Used: | 10.1.18 |
Max Version Used: | 8.1.5 |
Date Added: | Sep 15 2020 21:51:29 |
Date Last Updated: | Feb 05 2022 14:59:25 |
Downloads: | 1982 |
ⓘ License: | AttributionNonCommercialNoDerivatives |
Average Rating
(2) Log in to rate this device |
5 |
Device File: | VLM.Turbulent |
OK this is EPIC
Posted on September 16 2020 by hatyn |
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really insane - sequencing the parameters gets solid results, saving set will save the sequence, soundings insane when routed to a 303. secret weapon for sure.
Posted on September 16 2020 by hatyn |
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for a "work in progress" that`s quite an amazing tool already!
Posted on September 16 2020 by st235 |
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- rotate the sequence (nudge it left/right) of notes
I got a synth that seems to not register the note off even on untied notes. Probably something to do with the synth. It works great with others, but this one seems to want shorter notes - which works when using a note length device. Can probably just adjust the note length with a quick edit.
- rotate the sequence (nudge it left/right) of notes
I got a synth that seems to not register the note off even on untied notes. Probably something to do with the synth. It works great with others, but this one seems to want shorter notes - which works when using a note length device. Can probably just adjust the note length with a quick edit.
Posted on September 17 2020 by hatyn |
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^ took a look at the live.step node and anyone interested - you just bang "left" or "right" to move the note pitches
Posted on October 09 2020 by hatyn |
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Hi @hatyn, you'll be pleased to learn a new version is underway. It will not have simple nudging buttons, but a rotation parameter so that it can be automated and the other parameters can be adjusted while the rotation is kept. Offset start and end positions are also to be added.
I've also ported everything to Java, so it's much snappier.
It has Midi clock so it can groove with Live's pool.
If you're interested to beta test please send me an email, find my contacts in my profile. I'd like to solve your note off problem, let's talk about that.
I've also ported everything to Java, so it's much snappier.
It has Midi clock so it can groove with Live's pool.
If you're interested to beta test please send me an email, find my contacts in my profile. I'd like to solve your note off problem, let's talk about that.
Posted on October 11 2020 by vulume |
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Just tried it again with the TT303 and the issue must have been the Ties that i didn't fully understand before. Works great, so nevermind. Will shout if I find something weird I might have noticed before.
Posted on October 12 2020 by hatyn |
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Hi there, intrigued to try this but I don't get any output going to the included rack (or if I use an external vst etc).
Downloaded the latest version here also don't see the images as in the screenshots ? Any tips appreciated. (win 10 latest Java / latest live)
Downloaded the latest version here also don't see the images as in the screenshots ? Any tips appreciated. (win 10 latest Java / latest live)
Posted on November 03 2020 by nev101 |
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@nev101 It is a Java issue indeed. Other people have had it and it's unclear what solves it. See the Reddit post for some ideas:
My guess is that Max looks for the JRE, not for the JDK.
My guess is that Max looks for the JRE, not for the JDK.
Posted on November 04 2020 by vulume |
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Thanks, suspected may be the case. Have added JRE into paths in max but no joy yet. Will have a play with a few more things.
If I get working will report back.
If I get working will report back.
Posted on November 09 2020 by nev101 |
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No idea what its doing but I like this.
Posted on June 29 2021 by Rosko |
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hi! it doesnt work on m1 in silicon mode. guess it depends on java? any workarounds for that?
Posted on December 23 2021 by discoparadis |
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Hi @discoparadis. It has custom C externals that were compiled before M1 was released. If you are serious about trying to get this to work, message me on facebook (profile) and we can try together. I don't own a mac but I can instruct you.
Posted on December 25 2021 by vulume |
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, it was an awesome generator but it stopped working suddenly on windows. I'm willing to pay for it. thank you
, it was an awesome generator but it stopped working suddenly on windows. I'm willing to pay for it. thank you
Posted on September 27 2024 by Louis303 |
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looking fwd to trying it!