Comments by xav

It seems great. But I didn't manage to convert Cc to pitch... and I don't understand very well this max4live device, especially the middle partwith 6 squares and the arrow
Thank you for that fine converter! It's really useful.
Does anyone knows a solution to convert CC to pitch bend data? that would be great
Fantastic, MessinkiMusic!
You did it! Great comping tool and very elegant group track ! one feature we all wanted for age!
Thank you so much!
Next step would be, in all group sharing the same name device, to link other actions, like add a track, delete a track, copy a track.
And after that, another step would be the ability to create and select a new track in every armed group when rerecording.
Another idea would be the ability to link editing between groups. But I don't know if Max4live would allow that.
Hello Atomictag,
I still love your max4live device! one of the most missed native function in Ableton Live. The only problem i have is CPU use when tweaking. Is there any way to improve that? That would be fantastic!
Thank you very much for your hard work!!!
All the best
Thank you very much atomictag for your very usful device.
What I love is the ability to leave a parameter free, even when it is assigned, and that's an essential function I missed.
Hello, can a macro control multiple parameters? Are assigned parameters disabled for further assignment? (like in a normal macro) or doeus your device allows for example 2 diferent macros to access to one same parameter? (that's what I'm looking for).
Thank you.... very useful