Comments by voodoohop

Hey! I'd love to continue working on this but was kind of busy recently. Can you drop me a line to for any feature requests/bugs?
Hey! I haven't checked these devices for a long time. Can you send me a message to if you have any specific features/questions/bugs?
hey, sorry I never check this forum. Could you send me a mail to if you have any feature requests? I didn't open this device for a while so im not sure if its still working in newer versions of Live/MAX
Hey coolout, sorry i never check here. can you write me a message to if you have any feature requests?
Sorry. I never check the messages here. write me a mail to if you have any specific bugs
On Mac the window is resizable. I had assumed it works on the Windows version too. Will test and fix it asap
The reason the file size is so big is that we are using Electron which packages a whole Chrome browser to display the user interface.

If we remove Electron and use the browser already installed on the system to display the window we could reduce the size to a couple of megabytes. Will take a few months though before I can get around to it.
can you give me a more detailed description of your problem? for some reason the avast virus scanner labels the app as insecure. you need to disable it before using
Sorry I haven't been responding here.

I've been slowly fixing some bugs related to the analysis of some file formats, special characters in filenames, performance and more.

the application should let you automatically update when you start it and there is a new version available.

curtified: i'm trying to keep the interface as minimal as possible so i haven't added a reanalyse butten yet. in theory it should recognise based on the file's modified dates whether it needs to reanalyze the audio.

if the problems persist i could easily add a reanalyze button though. let me know through here or write an email to
any chance of a launchpad pro version?
It's polluting my undo history for some reason. anyone got a solution>?
just uploaded a new version. let me know if it works! need to redownload both the app and the device
sometimes aiff files were giving me a hard time. have you tried wav or mp3?
Can you try redownloading the Max for Live device using the "Download Device" button?

Use that device instead of the zipped version and let me know if it works now.

I have just updated it.

Sorry it isn't explained well.

The sender device sends the exact transport time with the midi note event.

The receiver device has a defined latency of 512 samples which means it receives the events 512 samples before they need to be sent out. It then just delays them by the necessary amount of time.
oups wrong thread. sorry
sorry I didn't explain way.

the max

The sender device sends the exact transport time of the midi note event.

The receiver device has a defined latency of 512 samples which means it receives the events 512 samples before they need to be sent out. It then just delays them by the necessary amount of time.
sorry I didn't explain way.

the max

The sender device sends the exact transport time of the midi note event.

The receiver device has a defined latency of 512 samples which means it receives the events 512 samples before they need to be sent out. It then just delays them by the necessary amount of time.
hey ryan,

it seems the zip file in the download link is stil an old version!
I'm having some issues with bugs in general. It doesn't seem to save my names or colors between project reloads and sometimes things that should be clickable aren't clickable.

Could it be an issue in using max 7?
it doesnt seem to save the maxvalue when you leave live and reopoen the project. any chance for a fix? i really love this device