Comments by svankov

Thanks for the suggestion. Are you referring to an operation that would extend notes so that they overlap, creating legato transitions in instruments which support them? If so, yes, that’s certainly doable and I will look into it for the next update.
1.3 update now available:

The new Link feature allows you to link sequence presets in Arpeggio Designer to triggered chord slots our Apollo Chord Designer device, enabling you to create expressive monophonic and polyphonic phrases. Link can also be used with multiple Arpeggio Designer devices on different channels, allowing you to trigger multiple instrument phrases from a single instance of Apollo Chord Designer.

Short demo here:

1.4 update now available:

The new Link feature allows you to link triggered pads to corresponding sequences in our Arpeggio Designer device, enabling you to create expressive monophonic and polyphonic phrases based on chord input from Apollo Chord Designer. Link can also be used with multiple Arpeggio Designer devices on different channels, allowing you to trigger mutliple instrument phrases from a single instance of Apollo Chord Designer.

Short demo here:

Glad to hear you're enjoying the device! Thanks for the suggestions, I'll look into these for the next update.
1.3 update now available:

- Fixed incorrect notes in Lydian and Locrian data tables.

- Added MIDI Learn functionality when editing chords in Edit Mode. Now you can learn chords from other plugins, or MIDI input.

- Added Clear Notes button in Edit Mode.
1.1 update now available:

- Added enable/disable buttons for each of the 3 layers (chords, free play, pluck). They can be found by the layer octave transposition number boxes on the right. Can be useful for turning layers on/off, when sequencing the device from a MIDI clip.

- Added Trigger Selected On Play option. Enable this if you want the selected chord to automatically play when you start transport.

- Chords can now also be copied between devices (only when both source and target devices are version 1.1 or higher).

- Bug fixes
Thanks for this work, Ayrick. I have a console 1 on the way. Wondering if there's been any development on this project since the 1.1 update. I also noticed that you mention the console 1 may use a local area network to communicate some info. Could the [udpsend] and [udpreceive] objects be of any use here? I'll try some things on my end once i get the unit in next week.

Slick website but I'm still not quite sure what this actually does! The copy is highly abstract and technical that I imagine a lot of viewers are left with no idea of how this device can be used in our music. Maybe i didn't spend enough time trying to wrap my head around it, but these days if I don't get a product's function within a minute or two I tend to move on to the next thing. The sound examples Youtube video were somewhat interesting but I think what's needed is a detailed, narrated tutorial on this device. Especially considering the steep price you're asking. Keep in mind you're marketing this to musicians and not astrophysicists with lab coats and pocket protectors! I hope you can use this constructive criticism to make your pitch and presentation more effective. Interested to see how this develops.
Hello Blip,

If you have mapped an external controller to the xy, it will record the xy movement as automation data. Using the mouse won't record any automation at the moment, but I can change it to do so in a future update.

Another way of recording the performance is to place Uzi on its own channel, then route that channel's MIDI output into your drum channel. If you record-enable your drum channel and start recording, Uzi's MIDI output will be printed onto your drum channel (even when using the mouse). You can then tweak and edit the part as needed.

Thanks for the feedback and let me know if there are any other features you think of that could be useful to your workflow.
Very nice device, great work! If I may suggest a useful feature - it would be great for the user to be able to control octave "width" as well so that notes can be triggered in +1, +2 etc octaves based on user setting. Just made this mod to mine.
Some major problems with Max 1.5.8 and Live 8.2.6.... got as far as recording an audio clip, then hit the button underneath RECORD and it froze Live. Don't think I'll be trying again atm.. Either incompatibility with my system or there's a bug here.
Correction - text is saved but line breaks / formatting removed.
Text after line breaks is not saved with session, unfortunately.