Comments by soundsketcher

Grabbed myself a copy. Can't wait to get home and run some analogue synths through it.
Hi. When will an update be released for Max 6 compatibility? Thanks.
This device would be 100% complete if it could use chords and scales. Love it!
... also noticed that the "arrow" controls for each parameter also do nothing. I'm guessing it's a problem with my system since nobody else reported it.

Very strange, none of the random buttons make any changes for me. Am I overlooking something obvious?
This is the most fun I've had with a M4L patch in a long time. Truly awesome work!
So far I love this plugin, except that it does nothing when I try to load a scale file (.scl) from the scala library using the Scale:Open... button.

Whatever I do it always shows "basic.cents.txt" next to the button. Am I doing something wrong?