Comments by fabriziopoce

Added native Live11 support (1.0.3) and zoom option (1.0.4).
Added native Live11 support (1.0.3) and zoom option (1.0.4).
Added native Live11 support (1.0.5) and zoom option (1.0.6).
Added native Live11 support (1.2.1) and zoom option (1.2.2).
Added native Live11 support (4.1.6) and zoom option (4.1.7).
FYI. Devices updated for Live 11
@All: J74 Progressive is now available in two versions: the latest public build for Live 10 (version 4.0.18b) as well as a new beta (version 4.1.4b) with native compatibility to Ableton Live 11 (and Ableton Live 10). Feature set has not changed in any of the devices.
@All: minor updates to version 1.0.2 (device state saving)
@mafgar: please head up via email, see website and PDF for the email address.
@All: Minor fixes to version 1.0.2 (state of the device saved for all structures)
@Drage: license is commercial, indeed.
@All: minor updates to version 1.1.22 (mainly fixes to saving state)
@All: minor fixes in version 4.0.18 (saving state, arp state).
A new minor update has been released to version 1.5.11. This version provides a few fixes to modulation and various internal functions. Users can get it using their original download link.
@All: few minor fixes added, latest version is 4.0.16. You can download the latest build using the original link you originally received. The version number is specified in the help window of the device (bottom/right corner).
It does work on Catalina. Web page updated.
Updates in version 2.0:
- New default mode of operation ("adapt") for the HarmoChordFilter which retains the structure of the original phrase doing harmonization of all notes. - The original mode ("fold") for the HarmoChordFilter is available as an alternative (using the mode selector)
- New HarmoAdaptFilter device which follows chords and filters using a scale. This expands on the "adapt"mode of the HarmoChordFilter by doing filtering in the context of the scale (and not of the chord)
- Fixes to various issues as of version 0.9
- Fixes to the test live sets
Ah ah, very good point. A question I was waiting for, actually.

First thing, what makes them similar: SliceShuffler uses the same core "engine" inside as BufferShuffler: the pair chucker~ (a slice-buffering object) & live.grid (its sequencing interface). So these building blocks are the same.

The rest anyway, around those objects, is completely different as so are the use of SliceShuffler.

For instance the audio chain (before and after chucker~) is much more simple as it focuses on low CPU use, for everything. I did all I could to streamline it so that snapshot changes could be done on the fly. There is also a different use of the actual sampling buffer so that you are allowed to change the length of the buffer without any need to stop the transport (like in BufferShuffler) - this is possible because I actually use *two* buffers instead of one.

The GUI and actualy way of use is also, apart from the live.grid interface, completely different. It comes mostly from other tools I made in the past for MIDI, like ARPline and BassLine. You have probability sequencing (two lanes) as you may have seen which is useful to add limited/controlled variability in a musical way (like a little bit of if only on up-beats leaving down-beats alone or similar).

Different is the presence of a modulation lane for sequencing parameters outside SliceShuffler and so are some of the performance functions which expand on the basic ones live.grid gives you.

But most of all is the snapshot handling + undo which allows you to go mad and come back (undo), while swapping snapshots all the time. Essentially to perform freely at low CPU use.

That was what I really wanted to achieve in the first place.
@All: minor update 4.0.8 is out. This version has no new features but improves on the [inversion row] by making the numbering consistent with usual conventions on inversion naming.
@daizok: in Live 10 and from version 4.0.x state savings is not supported anymore due to changes in Live 10. Saving Progressive saves the state of the MIDI mappable controls, not the internal structures. Best way to save material is to create (or record) MIDI clips.
@ niharsavala: Progressive has been created as a composition tool (an editor for chord progression). Look at HarmoTools for real-time MIDI adaptation.
Version 4.0.5

Compatibility with Ableton Live 10.
Version 4.0

Chord Progression Editor:
- New chord modifier for muting the 3rd in any chord (on a per chord basis), making very easy to add suspended chords (sus2 and sus4).
- New shuffle option for random voicing to chords, within the selected scale
- Both above available in clip edit mode as well as Live mode
- Additional inversions which allow chords to extend one octave up

Clip Modifier:
- New Clip Snapshot memory slots for storing MIDI clips content during any operation for later reuse (e.g. for alternatives, copy&paste buffers etc.)
- New Undo-to-Original function available, even if multiple operations have been applied (overrules commit to clip)
- New Auto-Apply mode of operation to immediately hear results of any new tweak (on by default, can be disabled)
- New Pitch Shuffle operation, applies random voicing / pitch changes in a clip, to notes within a selected target scale
- New Beat Shuffle operation, applies time shifting to beats on random basis

- Chord Progression Editor: chord modifiers now default on triads with no modifier added (not 7th's). Modifiers are renamed to better represent the options (7th, 9//Add9, add11//7Sus4, add13//6th).
- Chord Progression Editor: Chord Matrix has been completely rewritten and streamlined with many bug fixes.
- Clip Modifier: Commit/Undo/Snapshot have been streamlined so to avoid accidental operations and to fix bugs.
- Chord Explorer: added a new help window for both the Chord Explorer and the Circle of Fifths views
- Chord Detect device: floating window now displays both the MIDI input as well as detected chord on a full keyboard range.
There are a few simple test Liveset/Project in the ZIP pack. Check the examples there. If the example do not work, then try to update the Max version you have installed. PS: I check this page really 2-3 times per YEAR so please use the email-me link you can find on my website!
New in version 3.6

Improvements of input MIDI mappings to chords in Chord Explorer:
- Use of note to play chords rhythmically and with velocity

Improvements to Circle of Fifths view:
- Clickable chord buttons
- Shows tension also on Circle of Fifths view

New in version 3.5:

- Clip Modifier Updated with focus on Harmonic Rhythm
- New Split function with sequentiable (re)triggers
- New Preset lists create harmonic rhythm in Clip Modifier (multi-functions)
- New CleanUp function to remove "deactivated" notes from a MIDI clip
- New Float options for managing multiple windows

- Live mode start of clip when Interval is greater than 1 fixed.
- Chord Explorer fifth interval incorrectly sent in output on certain custom chords (** done on M4L, still to be done on SE ** see[++])
- Workaround for Windows users regarding M4L instability with multiple separate windows in M4L (Float setting).

Info on version 3.2 new features:

- Improved Live mode:
- Arpeggio editor is now supported in Live mode
- Spread, Low and Skip options are now supported in Live mode

- Chord Explorer and Live mode show the note played on the Main window
- Input Midi shown on the Main window when Live mode is off
- MIDI input mapping to Chord Explorer (e.g. play chords by MIDI input)

- Fix a bug in shift left/right operation on the Chord Progression Matrix
- Fix a bug arpeggio settings (may pickup wrong time for notes)

You can save a **preset** of Progressive using the Ableton standard preset system (with the little save button on the docked device). It is a feature introduced in 2.0.

If you save a preset it will save everything and recalling it will restore everything. Including the progression. If you give it a name (like 1-2-3-6 like the progression or anything) you can find them back.

New to version 3.1:

- Chord Explorer
- Shows the chords available on each degree of on the selected scale
- Allows you to test chords quickly (e.g. what if next chord is this?)
- Triggers for chords can be MIDI mapped (e.g. live use)

- Chord Real-time Sequencing mode
- Allows realtime sequencing of chords in the progression (without MIDI clips).
- Supported: Velocity, Chord Modifiers (7th and alteration, major/minor force)
- Not Supported: Skip, Spread, Inversions, Dynamics (velocity, timing, duration)

- Custom Scale
- You can edit the scale and create a new scale from the Chord Progression Editor (Main window)
- If you use BassLine in combination with Progressive you need BassLine version 1.0.3 to support this on BassLine
(original URL for J74 BassLine can be reused)

- Clip Modifier new Grid Split function:
- Split the notes in the selected clip based on the grid length. Useful to split long, hold notes or chords into rhythmical repetitions.
- Can produce interesting results if combined (after clip commit) with other functions (e.g. [Swing] to produce rhythmical changes or even harmonic rhythm).
- Pitch Shift up/down to next/previous note in scale (keeping octave).

- Custom Chords
- You can now define custom chords shapes for forcing chords out of the diatonic boundaries.
- You can define two different custom shapes and use them freely in your progression

- Forcing chords Roots
- You can now choose a different chord root when forcing, even outside the selected scale. For instance, if you have a C Major scale, you will be able to force a chord to Bb Major.
- Tension updated to show the distance from the diatonic region of the circle of fifths

- Circle of Fifths View
- Visualize relationships between chords
- Change diatonic mode

Currently the use of interval in BassLine is limite (see comment above).
I am planning to expand this in future versions, but I cannot promise anything for sure.

- Right, the Leading sequence anticipates the next chord by the bassline.
- You can achieve a limited Harmonic rhythm effect using the interval value, in both BassLine and Progressive (repeating chords). Anyway this is limited right now. I have some thought on this, but not close to any update.
- The CPU impact is quite limited as the tool work much only when you create clips, otherwise they are "silent" on the CPU
- Stability: it has all to do with Ableton and Max for Live stability. The tools have nothing special on this. Check this topic:
- The devices are composition/studio tools. You can use them in real time, but they are more an aid to composition rather than performance. See video tutorials.
- No PUSH integration planned.
- Progressive, as BassLine, uses a fixed "interval" (by defult 1 bar). But you can insert rest/hold. If you set interval at 1/2 bar and then do a progression 1-hold-6-hold-1-4-5-6 you will have the first two chords last longer than the others.
- No bundling for now.

PS: PLEASE contact next time though email as I cannot get any notification from the comments on this page!

There is a new update to the free J74 HarmoTools device set.
The new version (1.4) has the following changes:

- Scale recognition (guess) has been improved
- New devices added for analyzing and displaying chords and scales on a guitar layout.

The idea of HarmoTools was not to make an arranger keyboard anyway (a kind of device I kind of dislike....). So this is not an area I will research any further.


PS: For the ones that asked. A full sequencer for the "HarmoChordBass J74.amxd" is a good idea. If I have some time in the future I will give it a go.

Based on some feedback (read above) I have updated J74 Harmotools again. The latest update includes a new filter called "HarmoTonicFilter J74.amxd".

This device receives the chord information detected from the "HarmoChord J74.amxd" device in the pack and filters any incoming MIDI transposing anything to the chord root note.

If input notes are octaves apart, the output chord roots will be also octave apart. You can also define the octave offset.

This is useful for having simple basslines as MIDI clip adapted to match the root of the currectly detected chord.
New features added.

# Step Sequencer
- "in-key" mode updated to automatically harmonize programmed sequences to a scale
- "in-key" mode now also modifies other existing functions (such as Random generation of sequences) to operate within scale

# PatDrummer
- Loud and quite triggers have now independently assignable MIDI notes
- It is now also possible to do Random part generation for both loud and quite triggers.

# Both
- Clip Export into Live Session view includes swing/groove settings.
The pack was update with a new device called "HarmoChordBass J74.amxd". This device receives the chord information detected from the "HarmoChord J74.amxd" device and plays out a line of bass based on the detected root. You can define triggers and pitch offset per step (in sixteens).

If you are a registered user you should have got an email already with the updated link. Please check your spam box. If you did not receive an email please contact me through my website.

The "HarmoScale2Chords J74.amxd" device (which is a rack of chords, auto-populated using the diatonic method) has been modified.

I added the possibility to map a pad (chord) to an *incoming MIDI note*.
So each pad now can be triggered by an input MIDI note.
You can now play the pads (chords) more naturally, indeed.

New features added.

# Step Sequencer
New function to harmonize programmed sequence to a scale (e.g. by change of scale)

# PatDrummer:
Step number and Step offset for each individual part
Random part generation (for both loud and quite triggers)

The new features can be seen in action on the device page.

New features:

- Techniques for borrowed chords and accidentals.
- Additional control for chord inversion.
- Additional control to arpeggio settings (note can be omitted).
- Swing, groove and velocity dynamics.
- A new device, the "Audio Analyzer", which processes audio input in real time visualizing notes and extracting chord and scale information.

Here a video about the new MIDI possibilities in Progressive:

Here a video about the new Audio Analysis features in Progressive:

Very Cool device!
Yes. All owners get informed by updates.
Hi Farabee

I'll give the bass version a thought when I have some time.
Updated to cope with different resolutions (from 16bits to 256bits)
In the latest version there is a new device (HarmoGuessScale) which goes this direction. It takes real-time MIDI input and starts collecting the notes. If this collection of notes reaches a match with a scale, it pilots the "HarmoScalie FilterAPI" to follow this scale (and finally the Scale device to match this scale as well for the actual filtering).

Have a look to the manual:

Possibly you are using the "HarmoChord J74.amxd" + "HarmoChordFilterAPI J74.amxd" but forgot to put a "Scale" (Live MIDI device) in place (the device being modulated by chords and doing the actual filtering)
An update.

I added a new device in the HarmoTools family: the “HarmoScale2Chord J74.amxd” device.
This device generates chords based on a selected scale, using the so called diatonic harmonization technique.

It can be quite useful as an aid to composition.
For questions like: [Which is the next chord / What chord would fit this scale / the previous ones?]
For tweaks and testing variations to a set of chords you already have [what if I add a seventh to a chord?]
For testing chord progressions.

The tool interface looks like a “rack of chords” (with 9 pads/slots).
Each pad/slot hosts and triggers a chord and allows individual editing/tweaking (adding/removing of notes).
The chords can be triggered by MIDI mapping and by MIDI clips (note C-2 triggers slot 1, C#-2 slot 2 etc.).

Way of using it:
- One simple way of using this tool can be, in fact, as a simple “rack of chords”: you can manually load your chords on the pads and test progressions and variations.
- Anyway the real target here is exploring chords within scales, using the diatonic harmonization rules. To do this you need to use the “HarmoScale2Chord J74.amxd” and “HarmoScale J74.amxd” devices together (somewhere in the same live set, not necessary in the same track). The “HarmoScale J74.amxd” device is used to select a scale (this already existing device in the HArmoTools family is a multipurpose scale selector, as it is also used for selecting a scale for real-time API-based filtering/harmonization as possible in HarmoTools). Once a scale has been selected this way, the “HarmoScale2Chord J74.amxd” auto-populates its pad/slots with chords, built using the diatonic harmonization technique (applied on top of the selected scale).

Additional notes:
Even if the auto-populated chords are always triads (chords of three notes), by editing the pads/slots, you can easily create more colored variation (i.e. adding more notes, like a seventh).
This is very easy: each pad/slot can be edited individually using the small one octave keyboard in the pad/slot (just click to activate/disable any note for the chord).
And if you select an "exotic" scale, the result can be harmonically quite complex.

The download link is still the same (I just updated the file).

Hi quality work. Very nice little synth.
A User Manual is also available:

A demo video on: