Comments by dundunny

please do a tape time stretching too
hello we could have the version made of time stretch for the plugin
can your add option to play like 45 rotation per minute on vinyl thanks
thanks great plugin
can i use on the master bus for changing pitch and speed parameters for the whole track
amazing the plugin
please version with 256 triplets notes
please dead simple time stretch verssion
crazy and love thanks
please free
i use that all projects
is itts possible to make device of tape speed control but without turning off effect
i love for make beat on 14 minute challenge thanks
hey men how i can i make plugin for moving ms negative or poiitive thanks
PLEasee fre version
its a cool if have a random amount and triplet note thanks i love using that plugin
hello the plugin is reseted after closing the ableton
i use this plugin all projects with version 1 great amasin plugin thanks
please make a fix for values like 1 or 1.25 cause now i can only set it to 2, 4, 6, same for negative values thanks