Comments by cwm

Thank you!
Very nice device.
I used it to control Arpeggiator rate - works perfect.
Top device!
Top device.
Thank you!
Good device! Better than the included Live11 Shifter device (no delay, better sound).
Some things came to my mind:
-input volume should be attenuated a bit to avoid clipped sound.
-signal flow obviously goes from shifter1 (serially) to shifter2 to 4, but
-shifter2 to 4 output mix always contains dry signal

Nevertheless I can recommend QuadSFT because its better sound quality compared to Live's onboard Shifter device.
Shifter 2 to 4 are useless imho though, esp because you have no real Dry/Wet control.
Works really nicely.
I esp. like the easy variation automation feature via the var. select knob.
Things to know:
-must be placed BEFORE an instrument rack
-to name a variation: put some text in textfield and then save the variation
imo the slider on bottom is best positioned in the middle to avoid crackling when 'morphing' variations.
Parameter range is too low, e.g. Map Console val '127' gives Operator Fine '1' (max value is 1000).
excellent device. Thank you!
After six years there are some other m4L devices who can do the job - but sometimes show strange erratic behaviour / create random values.
Lucky me I found your device because it's unfailing and reliable.
Thanks for the device, works perfect!
Also in Session View btw.
Groovy device. Works perfect.
Thanks a lot!
Excellent idea - but I can't get it to work.
Shouldn't it be placed in an Audio Effect Rack, before the Effect?
I tried that, saved some Variation slots of your device, with different Effect parameter settings, but of no avail.
great! thanks for the fix.
Presets are very useful, as well as the Dump feature.
Maybe a hint in the description that only the outlined parameters are able to control Neutron would be helpful.
the only thing I'm missing are the LFO phase settings - but as it is now it's already really useful.
thanks for replying - yes, Neutron is called Neutron (1) here indeed.
For some reason I can't get it to work.
I've got Ableton 10.0.6 on a Windows7 machine.
After dragging your device onto Live's screen it creates a Midi track.
I can play Neutron, but the NeutronPreset device doesn't cause any reaction on Neutron's side - eg if I switch KeySync the according button doesn't react.
I also tried it with ExternalInstrument as illustrated in your png but to no avail.

As Live itself can't handle SysEx, your device would be super helpful to edit Neutron's v2 'hidden' features.
I spent some time to get Ctrlr to work with Neutron just to see eventually that it makes no sense because of Ableton's SysEx insufficiency.