Comments by cooptrol

Many things you ask for! hehe, well, I wish i had the time to do all this...and to do what you want you have to address the Live API through Max4Live, something I still have to learn about..
I made this seq with the idea of using the basic Launchpad python script in Live.
Glad you like it! This version has a better sequencing engine. Fixed some bugs from version 1. Still, the patch is a little bit untidy on the inside. I am lazy to program with straigt patchcords and encapsulating as I should. But in this case I think the engine is pretty simple to understand.

Suggestions for improvements are welcome!
SORRY!!!!!! Now the correct version is uploaded!!
Mmm not sure about that, apparently Ableton's Gate doesn't have sidechain option, and I guess if it did, it would be a common audio siedechaining feature, like on the Compressor, not MIDI..
Cool!! Too bad I sold my ES1... Glad to have contributed!
At last! a basic Reaktor function now brought to M4L... Great!!
Hey this device is amazing, thanks man!! it has added a little polyrythmic spice to my live set.. The LP goes alittle nuts when changing pages, but a couple hits on each button gets it back to normal.

What i found is that it?s not possible to turn off the device.. i can try to fix that myself but i'm way behind you in programming skills. any tips of where can i place the switch inside the patch?
OK i found the link inside the patch, thanks!
but Gantz Graf refers to the Autechre video I guess, doesn't it? can you share a link to the original patch?
Well in fact its simply a dial array to send out midi controller values. the trick is in the midi ox configuration. open "midi status" in midi ox and tweak the electribes' knobs, and youll see wich NRPN number corresponds to each knob or button, then in options>data mapping add maps that convert controller numbers into the NRPNs. i hope Ableton includes NRPN support in next versions so that we dont have to use midi ox any more
this patch is amazing. i have ued jitter in the past and could never do such an effective yet simple patch as yours. congratulations!
is it all by yourself or did you get any part of the patch from jitter examples or someone else?
i would like to mess arround a little with it and see if i can come up with a visual result of my own, if you dont mind!
thanks a lot for your incredible patch!