Comments by bhenry1790

Added devices compatible with Apple Silicon, check my profile for the rest
I'm going to update these for Apple Silicon in the next week
Ah, I'm not sure what could be causing the incompatibility and it's unlikely that I'll upgrade my Mac until next year. Is the Rosetta emulation true of all M4L devices or just a few that I've created? Everything works in Rosetta (for the meantime)?
I haven't tried these on Apple silicon yet, but it looks like OS updated the externals

Download the latest here:
It looks like OS updated the Max Externals for M1 compatibility.

try the latest. They should work
@digix I'm not on an M1 Mac yet so not sure how to help. It may just need the new externals "wired" in.
Cool! I'll update the ones you requested to work with any DC coupled audio interface (including the ES-8 + ES-3)
These work exclusively with the ES expanders. It's certainly possible for me to create alternate versions that work with standard DC coupled audio interfaces (like the ES-8). Let me know if you'd like me to update a few of my M4L devices to have this feature and I'll get it done in the next few weeks
Hi tekktribe! Unfortunately (to the best of my knowledge) the ES-Encoder needs to encode all 8 of the ESCX8CV outputs simultaneously, so it's not possible to share the outputs across multiple devices natively.

However, there is a workaround! You can use the standard CV-Instrument and send the Audio Outs to the ESX8CV Track Helper. This method will allow you to use any combination of devices on the outputs.

Let me know if you have any troubles and I can make a step-by-step video tutorial

Hey there! Thanks for catching. I froze the device and re-uploaded.
@tekktribe That's awesome! All outputs of the ESX8CV need to be encoded simultaneously so it's not possible to spread them across multiple devices natively... However it is possible to use the "ESX8CV TRACK HELPER" to do what you are asking with the native CV TOOLS.

Using native CV Tools (CV Instrument) you send the "CV" to Tracks in Live. Then with ESX8CV TRACK HELPER choose the Ableton Tracks you want for each output. This method allows the greatest flexibility assigning different devices to each output in an ESX8CV
Hey yes! I'll try and help. Welcome to the ES expander party.

You'll need to be sure the Expert Sleepers M4L Externals are installed so MAX/MSP can access them.

Download the Externals Here:

Place the externals in folders accessed by MAX:

I don't have an ES-8 so check your documentation for the correct stereo pair to use for the ES-5 (on es-9 it's 7/8). All of the expander outputs will run on this stereo pair. For example you'll pick 7/8 audio outs and header 1 for the ESX8GT(and ES5) devices. 7/8 header 2 for ESX8CV Devices. Let me know if this works, or if you need further assistance.
I added an ES4/40-ES5 toggle so it's completely compatible now. You'll just need to be sure you have the es*encoder~ Max externals accessible to Max.

I added instructions on each of the devices.
It's not intended to work with ES40, but I'll take a look and see if I can add a switch for that encoder. Would you be willing to test? I don't have the ES40 to test with