Comments by MonoAmine

I will check it out, i really want to be able to use this on my push2 but so far the problem has been that when the 'select on midi' button on uTonic keep switching over every beat, this way it is impossible to use it since automating without a running sequenser is not ideal. Did you find a solution for this?
That would make my day

Thanks in advance
Hi Datengeist,

Thanks for the work you put into this, this is really something what once i get it working, will be part of my workflow for shure, thanks

Is there allready a solution for the last played drumchannel selection problem? I just found out that in my setup it makes the Drumrack and plugins unusable.

I hope it is just a setting i have overlooked, also imported the settingsfile and all other functionalily is working fine, until i press play and by selecting a different drumchnnel channel on every played note utonic litteraly goes out of control unfortunately.

I hope you have found a way yourself or know of a solution which can fix this, i am looking forward using my push2 with utonic and drumazon. I will test of that has the same problem or if it will work
(the relevant part of my setup is: win7 (64bit os, running a 32bit ableton), ableton 9.5, push 2

Hope to hear from you and thanks in advance, keep up the great work
Ableton gave this pretty silent but possibly important anouncement last week on their site (beta release notes which are public) :

"On Push 1, plugin parameter names would not update correctly anymore if these change dynamically e.g. when loading a new preset. In addition, Push 2 now also updates such plugin parameter names dynamically"

Im an not a programmer so im not exactly shure what impact this will have, but my logic says its a possibily to get the parameternames on the push2 display, is this a correct assumption?
Hi Atari,

Is there any news about a possible update? It will be appreciated

Yes ive been able to use it too, thanks alot Atari!

Only thing i can think of to make abosolety the best controller at the moment is a 'send patch or send all parameters' to tetra button' with this we would be able to save patches in the songfiles of Ableton

Thank you very much for programming this! I cant wait till my live9 suite update with max will be available, ill be testing and using this one for shure.

Can you tell me if it works in multi mode too? (for example by loading 4 seperate instances on 4 midichannels?)

I am also wondering if its possible to save/load patches from the tetra?

you made my day