Device Details


Name | Version: uToniCControl 1.0
Author: rishi
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: The MicroTonic Max Rack is a collection of 4max midi effect devices that I hacked together from an existing device to control Sonic Charges' MicroTonic (uTonic) percussion synthesizer.

Optimized for use with the Ableton Push Controller these 4 Max devices send midi cc messages to the selected pad in uTonic, providing control over the 4 main sections for each sound in uTonic – Mixer, Oscillator, Noise, & Velocity.

You can download for free from the URL below, where I have included the setup in a Drum Rack with FX racks and the midi config file for uTonic.

NB: Requires Sonic Charge's uTonic to be installed. You can get it here...


Live Version Used: 9.0.5
Max Version Used: 6.1.3
Date Added: Oct 14 2013 22:47:46
Date Last Updated: Oct 14 2013 22:49:21
Downloads: 6
License: None
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Device File: uTonic CC Mixer.amxd


Awesome work, thanks !
I will check it out, i really want to be able to use this on my push2 but so far the problem has been that when the 'select on midi' button on uTonic keep switching over every beat, this way it is impossible to use it since automating without a running sequenser is not ideal. Did you find a solution for this?
That would make my day

Thanks in advance

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