Comments by MhZ

That’s pretty fine, but are the snapshots listed from your device available via an automation lane? Thanks for clarifying!!
@Crampe Can we automate things?? Such option is also totally omitted from original device.

Updated to 1.3.4... as mentioned berfore, purchased some time ago, where is the update? And the release notes? Are all the bugs pulled out?
Absolutely genius!
Sorry, the new version still not available.
That´s great! Many thanks
Congratulations Simon, this is really an outstanding device... near perfect for me! Only missing PGM as a MIDI In option. Would it be possible? Many thanks and keep the good work.
No answer, no support, nothing. Waste of time and money. Dear @brodiem you should remove this from Gumroad and consider refunding the money.
Device is broken. Please fix it!
Very nice and usefull package! Congratulations :-)
Nice device! Purchased.

But now I´m aving big issues with the zoom behaviour... it symply doesn´t work for me on Live 11.0.6. The window freezes on screen and didn´t resize anything.

I am also missing the "midi version for re-trig" according to the description on the Gumroad page.

Feedback please... want to use it!

Many thanks in advance