Device Details


Name | Version: LiveGrabber - VoidGrabber 2.7
Author: mattijs
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: NOTE: Please download the latest version of this plugin from the website.

The LiveGrabber plugins are a set of Max For Live plugins that send device parameters, track parameters and audio analysis information from Ableton Live to any device on the network that supports Open Sound Control (OSC).


Live Version Used: 8.2.6
Max Version Used: 5.1.9
Date Added: Oct 26 2011 13:53:18
Date Last Updated: May 14 2018 04:23:26
Downloads: 482
License: None
Average Rating (1)

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Device File: VoidGrabber.amxd


Brilliant. Thanks! This is similar to what I'm doing, though I don't use perimeter changes, but other attributes.

Described here:
Absolutely genius!

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