Comments by MessinkiMusic

Hey qbeatsmusic, send me an email at
Hmm, the same thing happens with the built-in Max for Live transformer, Velocity Shaper, it seems like whenever notes are selected by Max for Live, it zooms out to the entire selection.
Noo, afraid it doesn't interact with grooves at all.
Hey Scott, email me at!
Hey losgallos, no worries, email me!
This looks insane!
It should be fixed now, I've added a preferences button where you can turn on the feature that was interfering with the automation of the rack on/off.
Hey aaarco,

Can you email me at
Hey fcunin, sorry I missed this comment! if you're still having these problems with the latest version can you please email me at
Haven't tested it, but I'm pretty sure it will!
Forgot to update discription! It's £2 now that I've spent more time on it, adding features
Can now disable devices on the track that the device is on. Considering adding more functionality to disable effects on all selected tracks
Thank you for pointing it out!
Hey Wim, send me and email to and I'll see if I can help you out
Timday101 Just added a checkbox for keeping the functionality while recording.
Annoyingly Max for Live doesn't give you much control over arrangement clips at all. The way I've been using this device is to create an extra track in the group that you can copy and paste bits of various takes into. Then you can select that comp track and listen to the whole thing, rather than having to turn off the device and unmute all the tracks that have been used in the comp. Does that make sense? Do keep suggesting ideas, I'm interested to know how people approach it
I've thought about this, but I think that it would just make things more confusing, and would be more hassle than its worth. Are there any cases you can think of that would really need this?