Comments by LarsLyd

hey. really glad for this device. always comes up with new ideas with this one, but I wish there was a independent knob in the Push menu/control area where you could control the stages knob/or box. everything else seems to be there to fully have control over Autonomia. can wait till see what else you cook up of devices. much love
for some reason I can't get any sound out of it.... no matter what I do..
thanks for this device. really cool and fun to play with. just was I have been looking for.
though I wish there was more of the parameters with Push to control the device. like source, sequencer, amp and the gain and Res :) just some suggestions
could be cool with mac version. it sounds nice from I can hear in the youtube clip
another gem! thank for u this. luv that I can use my own samples to mangle and create new sounds. keep up the good work
hi a200xeaf. u welcome. thanks for the update! already making nice noisey sounds.
Love this kind of device ! but I wish it was possible to map the parameters for live/jams
Hey. Love this sequencer already! Great Work !
but I really wish it was possible to midi mapping the paramaters. Especiel for live use or jam use...
made a track only Phasing a the one & only sequencer.
Yo.. no midi signal is still not coming thru... Love the idea. hope you will look into it again :)
please update this so it works :)