Comments by FreddyFingaz

This is a def winner - thanks for sharing it w/ us!
This is super dope, thanks for sharing it!  
This is a winner!
Nice, great idea!   Always enjoy your stuff.  Thanks for keeping it up!
Sweet!   Stoked to check this one out!!!  Thanks for sharing it w/ us!
This bad boy ever go on sale?
This is great - thanks so much.   Also agree with Torley above - very classy look 
This sounds great on certain material - thanks so much
Funky lil noisemaker - I dig it - thanks for sharing
Nice one!  Thx!
Sweet, thanks!
I'm digging what Torley is laying down
"video, or your device never happened". - LOL!

Heads-up, for those of you who have VCV Rack, there's a device called TME by docB that I believe is based on the same concept, I imagine you could get a good idea of how it works from that (but maybe not, I have no idea honestly).
Man, what an amazing idea!   Looks amazing!  A little too rich for my blood right now but will most likely check it out at some point!  Keep up the good work as always!  
Thanks for this!   This is one of the most useful Midi Tools I've found so far.  Super simple and effective!  I appreciate you sharing it with us, stoked to see what you do next.
11 years later - this thing still rocks - thanks!!!
Nice!  Just purchased, digging it.   It has a great balance of randomization while also being able to dial it in.  Really liking this one.  
This looks great!   Thanks for sharing it w/ us!!
sweet!   I'm stoked to check it out - thanks for sharing it
Looks pretty sweet but I agree - we need a video demo on this baby
dope!   thx!!
Wow!   Finally just spend the time to figure this thing out - what a masterpiece!   Anyone having trouble with dropping samples - I think the key is you have to drop a folder on the "drop" box that contains other folders.   Then click in the first dropdown to choose which sub folder you're after.   The bottom folder should then show all the samples in that sub folder (for me, the samples don't show up until I click that first dropdown a couple of times and choose the subfolder).   

Amazing work - this is a creative gem!  Thanks for sharing (14 years later! - It's still got it!)
This is super dope - thanks for sharing it.  Curious to see where it goes next or what you have cooking.   Liking how unpredictable this is
You're barkin up the wrong tree pal
Liking this a lot!  Thanks for sharing!
Wait a minute... that looks like my dogs butt!   What are you doing w/ my dog? 
Magnificent! Thanks for sharing all your weird/wonderful toys with us!
Instant purchase for me. Excited to give it a spin!
Cool little device, having fun with it. Thanks!
sweet - thank you! I've been looking for a device to play around with all pass filters for a minute now - haven't found much at all. Thanks for this!
Scratch that - I wasn't clear that it's sample based. Just found the wav file that downloaded with it. After dropping this on the device, I now have sound.
I'm not getting any sound. Loaded on a midi track, sending it midi - nada. Maybe device needs to be finalized/frozen?
@sad1ks - no need to be sorry whatsoever. Every device uploaded to this site is "use at your own risk" - I thought that was obvious to anyone whose eardrums have been taken for a ride more than once.

You provided an innovative, unique device, free of charge to the community and it's pretty sweet IMO. Keep developing it - perhaps the colors of the blocks could be used as the basis for a mod source that could control other devices - just one thought on where this could go. Nice work!
You have any examples of this bad boy in action?
This looks amazing! Heads-up, I think you linked to the wrong spot (the download link takes us to the blog instead of your page).
This looks super dope - thanks for sharing. Stoked to give it a go
Looks rad - thanks for sharing it with us. Excited to give it a spin
**above should say "tapehead"
Both of these tape devices from this dev are phenomenal. I think if I had to choose one, I'd go with Tapered, just because it's a tad more versatile IMO but they're both pretty amazing. They deserve more attention for sure - like a little secret tape weapon. Very nice!
Sounds really good though! I'm able to use it in Mono and Legato modes without the CPU spikes and it does sound great! Poly mode - is an absolute no go for me at the moment as my CPU completely maxes out immediately. For the Unison modes, the CPU starts around 40% and goes to 60%-ish on my older MacBook Pro. As-is, I'd only use it in Legato or Mono but it's pretty badass at that.
Whoa... my CPU is going through the roof though in Poly mode. In Mono/Legato, seems more reasonable - in Poly, it was spiking 100% before I even played a note. Wonder if this was your issue Irish? Try mono
Not sure if it was just fixed or not but I'm getting sound right out of the box with midi (I didn't adjust anything, just dropped it on a track and I have sound).
sweet thanks for sharing w/ us
Sold out? Looks sweet but page shows sold out
Super solid sequencer. Been playing with it for about 30 mins now - I'm impressed. It looks fairly basic at first glance but when you start messing with some of the variations you can get with the time warp function and offset - it's a ton of fun. Will check out the paid version soon
what to do if it gets to the end of the clip and still says "audio loaded, trying to split into stems...."? It stops at the end of the clip, I would think it would keep looping until it gets the data it needs. If we re-start it, does it know to keep listening? So far I haven't gotten anything out of it, it's just playing the track I drop - no separation for me so far.
What's the difference between the top line and the bottom line? I might just be slow, but they seem like they do the same thing to me.... If so, why have two? I'm sure I'm missing something
What knockers!
Endless fun w/ this
This looks pretty slick, also checking out your weird quantizer which I'm super stoked about. Count me in!
This looks pretty sweet! Super cool that it installs within Ableton's back end (wait...) as well. Makes it super convenient
to find/use (my user library is beyond saving at this point).

Anyway, thanks for sharing it w/ us!
seems pretty sweet! I can't tell if the dry/wet is not working or if I'm not getting any dry. There's something going on there that is off though I feel like.
This is dope, I dig it. Thanks for sharing it w/ us
Sweet! Is this an upgrade if we purchased programmer in the past?
Sweet! (glad I could help - lol)
I must be slow. Not getting an audio. Just to confirm, this should work on Live 11 - yeah?

If so, just confirming,
I load the VST instrument I want to use, load this as an Audio Effect on the same track as the VST instrument - yeah? Then click "load", find the VST in my VST folder and from there, the instrument should be controlled by this device? And audio should be moving through the actual VST through this (since this device is an audio effect on the same track?)

Anyone that can point out where I'm being a bone head - much appreciated. We need people like you. We're old. Or I am anyway...
Very nice
This is pretty sweet! Fun to mess around with and getting some great sounds. I'd love to see some "tool tips" when you hover over the various controls to tell what they do - but no complaints!
Can confirm, super solid!
No stupid bs is sage advice indeed. My wife lives by that mantra. She left me. :)
This innocent looking little device is a winner! Up to 255 steps of Euclidean magic? Sign me up! Thanks for sharing it, having fun already!
I'm a sucker for anything granular. Thanks for sharing - stoked to try it
Simply epic.
Damn, this is an excellent phaser! Not sure how this one slipped past me but it's amazing. Well done - thanks for sharing it w/ us. It's going to get a lot of use!
edit: should say "used as a send" (ignore "last") in the message above
Noob question - I just started messing around with this again and want to confirm - this is meant to be used last a send effect - correct? Far as I can tell, it's essentially all wet signal ("which wet" depending on the 3 levels but all are wet) - correct? Having fun dialing it in but started questioning my ears - probably time for a break!
Sweet, I will check back! Thx
Thanks, I was just about to throw up a post! :)
Looks sweet! Anyone try it on an intel Mac yet? Curious about checking it out but not if it doesn't work on intel
Still one of the best!
Right on, glad to hear it. I'd recommend putting the midi scale device between this device and your intstrument - I've had some good results that weren't sounding very good until I added the scale - which makes sense
Yeah Irishmos - seems to be working for me. No idea if this matters but I created a 4 bar midi clip in Ableton and then exported it out to my downloads folder. Then I dragged that midi clip from my d/l folder to the device
It seems to also be looking to the triggers for velocity data - does all this sound correct?
I think it may be working as intended now. Not positive though. My understanding was that we were to hit one midi note to start the sequence and then it would play on its own from there on out. It seems like on my end it's working but it requires midi notes to be entered (i.e. I trigger C3, C3, C3, C3, etc but the track plays midi notes from the anaylzer - it's just looking for triggers as far as I can tell)
followed directions - It output midi and I heard sound as it was analyzing but after it had analyzed - no new notes. I did press a midi key to start the prompt but nothing. Also, when it played the midi while analyzing - it did so incredibly fast (much faster than the BPM).

Looks cool - think it just requires a few further tweaks
solid idea!
great job w/ this!
I did manage to get OTT to work after messing around w/ the lock/freeze and resaving - haven't been able to get this one to work though. I did notice w/ OTT, after I selected the plugin, there was a spot in the patch where I could see the name "OTT" (or partial name) - in other words I think I could see it was added. With D.E., after I select the plugin, I didn't see any difference to the max patch at all to show that the plugin location was added.... I'm sure it's user error somewhere on my end.
doesn't seem to be working for me - I'm sure it's an error on my part. following the directions above - I have a question:

before clicking the "plug" box to find the vst, the lock should be locked (not unlocked) - correct?

Then once we select the vst, just freeze or should we also be unlocking again before saving?
rad-ee-kal! Thanks so much!
Reading through the description(s), not sure I understand what this device intends to do... Could someone give me a 2 sentence dummy description of what it does? It's a VST randomizer or no?
just re-discovered this gem in my user library. Top notch good times - love it!
No big deal at all - just providing feedback of how things respond on my end as I know you're still developing it. Overall it's been a pretty smooth experience (other than I believe there was a short period when you took it down after the 1st rollout but that was easy enough to determine).

I dig it - I do appreciate the free credits as well - confirmed receipt! Thanks again!!
At first after loading this new version when my web browser opened to link up, it quickly flashed an error "cannot have more than 3 codes per user", this screen only lasted a split second, then landed on a page that didn't have any clear direction of what to do or how to fix. After refreshing and using the back button a few times, I landed at a screen that asked me if I wanted to disconnect all codes from user. I did that but it looks like I lost the 100 free credits you awarded me previously in the process.
Sounds great!
looks really cool but not sure it's working as intended.. Anytime I hit the lock, midi stops and I get silence. This is in auto and free mode and the play button does'nt seem too change things.

I'm also not clear on what the "note" field is located in the bottom left corner. Does the sequencer only output one midi note? confused on that. I did get the manual as I'm on Mac but not sure windows compatriots will be able to open that pages format..
This looks pretty sweet - excited to check it out.

Heads-up: "Harry Haller" as mentioned in your description is almost definitely just a handle being used by the person you mention in your description. Harry Haller is the name of the protagonist in a novel called Steppenwolf by Hermann Hesse who was quite popular in his day and picks up a new following with each generation. Great author - I personally found Steppenwolf a bit slow but a lot of folks love it.

Anyway, thanks for sharing your device!
looks and sounding great. Big fan off your devices - I have most of them, I'll probably get this as well. Question - what is that drum device on your desk that you are playing in the video?
amazing little device. Being able to map multiple mods to same parameter isn't something I realized was possible in Live. Total game changer. Thanks for sharing this - super easy to use, really just a matter of knowing you can map multiple mods to the same parameter and then "switch them on and off" by using the macro/remote button. Brilliant really.
amazing device, i downloaded, messed around with it, forgot about it, re-discovered it and have been using it religiously for the past couple of weeks. Such unique results - really love it - thanks!
Nice! I dig it, seems super user friendly and useful to me so far. Thanks!
This is a super legit tool - love it! thanks for sharing it!
I'm not all that familiar with the original but I can say -- this sounds damned good to me! Thank you for sharing it
Sweet! Thanks! I'm excited to give it a try. Always surprised pulsar synthesis isn't more popular - it's a lot of fun
just out of pure curiously - why is it windows only? I don't see that too often but when I do, I always wonder why...
sweet, thanks! I always really dig your devices
Looks amazing!
works well in 11 on Mac!
Nice! Interesting blog post as well. I can tell you've put a lot of time into the topic