Comments by Colourman

Love this device. It's been part of my Default Set for ages. Using Live11.
I know this is meant to be a quick sketch pad, and it does that job perfectly. However, some more steps would be great for longer ideas. Maybe 16 or 32.
Some people are never satisfied!!!
ps Love your work. BIP, ClipGain, etc
Seems like a good idea to me. I shall give it a whirl.
May help in my endless, and ultimately doomed, battle with ORGANIZATION.
Dunno how I lived without this. It sits on almost every track now. Super Useful
Please explain this again Simon. I cant seem to get it to work.
That's the plan! Every few weeks I'll add a wrapper to this pack for free :)

Very decent of you, thanks.
Do we drop the plugin followed by wrapper? Bit confused.

Ah The wrapper is the plug in, yes?
Really cool, and more importantly really USEFUL. I have several instances of the device for the tracks I want to change on the fly. With FIRE from each mapped to the same key/midi. With one press I can try out different combinations of clips. Engaging RANDOM only adds to the fun.
Works as a studio arrangement tool or in a live performance.
Great work Bert.
Using this device recently. LIKE IT.
Map it to momentary Mute Volumes.
Cut like a DJ
(If sometimes you have bugs with mapped parameter, just unmap and remap the parameter, it can resolve the problem!)
This didn't fix problem.
When a parameter is mapped it seems to be changing value by itself. Glitching between various values....?
Finally, thank you for doing a 4x4 grid. Gonna try it out with my Midi Fighter Twister. Wish you could map from the grid.
Love this so much. Grouped it & mapped the macros to change chords in real time for a really expressive and impressive generator. Nordman, I salute you.
How do I change the colours?
Hey Friend,
"Apart from the Bank select tracking and the rotary control decoding, the MIDImftLABELSfloat plug-in doesn't do anything"
I'm finding this to be true. H
I couldn't get it working. Like every other M4L device for MF Twister. Oh well.....
Update, My mistake, I was being thick. I can now get it to work after an email for the man himself, JacqduMontagne or schlapbe, explained how to.
I couldn't get it working. Like every other M4L device for MF Twister. Oh well.....
Cool, anything MFT related is fine by me. There needs to be more resources for Twister. Only a few devices on here and half of them done work.
BIG fan of your work. Using B.I.P. all the mutha fookin time. And it's improving my productivity because I'm bouncing tracks to audio meaning I break the constant tweaking circle and move forward. Everyone's a winner.