Comments by Because789


No, it doesn't respect Push's scale mode. My main need was a way to quickly transpose a clip an octave up or down from Push. The possibility to transpose in semintones I just added because the main routine was already there. It still can be fun though...
@synnack: I added more controls to disable in v1.1 and it's now possible to disable Up/Down Arrow button. The behavior you're asking for you get like this:

- load device, keep all buttons enabled and press the Save button behind "Session Mode"
- disable Up/Down Arrow and click Save behind "Note Mode"

When you then switch between session and note mode you'll have what you want. Use hold Shift + Select to enable the buttons momentary if needed.

Btw: Sometimes the presets are not recalled properly when you save a set with the device in, close and open it again (it might be a m4l bug, but I have to investigate more). That's very annoying, but during a session it shouldn't be a problem. Justs make sure to check the setting on the device after you opened a set...
Thanks for the kind words! Just uploaded 1.1, now you can use it for parameters on return tracks and master track as well :)
Nice one! It didn't work for me first, but here is the solution:
Good to hear! I hope you enjoy the improved version too...
Thanks for reporting! It could be a Mac/PC thing. Or it is a Max 5/6 issue, I couldn't find a lot of information about it. Which Max version do you use?

I updated the device anyway since [zl group] works fine on Win 8/Max 6.