Comments by Beautifulgoblins123

Ok thanks for the quick response and explanation. Didn't realize this, it seems like in most cases it works fine though? And if its the first thing I load into my project it seems like it has no issues- would it be safe to say I shouldnt run into this issue if I just load this device in first if I planned on using it?
Incredible device! I noticed it has the "undo history clogging" issue that a lot of max devices have, is this possible to fix? And like others have said it doesn't store your samples, would gladly pay for this if these issues were resolved as it is such a unique device with a great simple interface. Thanks.
So i created an insturment rack with this for a kick drum modules that scans through some complex curves to get different sounds but I notice that i get a bug when I drag the instrument rack into a project- it seems that the mappings for some reason automatically remap themselves to different paramters in the project usually on the device before... seems to happen all the time and my fix is to make sure I load this device in first and then it doesnt happen it seems like. Curious if you've noticed this I will try to replicate the bug and figure out exactly what is happening- otherwise this seems to be the best "curve mapper" out there from what I've used.
Wow thanks for the swift response! Excited to hear, I was just thinking maybe the velocity could actually be implemented on the "note trigger" screen. so instead of an on and off button just a slider that turns on once you cross 0. Could potentially keep everything more contained instead of creating a new layer.

Or have the "note screen" bring up a whole new set up knobs with a slider for velocity and the knobs controlling the length of each note? Just an idea in terms of organization

Also, does the chance function only effect modulation or does it also effect midi triggers?
Just bought this device, great job for one of your first devices! Really love how you are trying to compact a lot of functionality into a small device with a nice visual flower, great style.
Theres a couple things that I would think make this device great and a bit more unique.
1) Microtiming adjustment similar to how you have a separate screen for chance.
2) Rise and fall settings for modulation, i think this would really help with being able to take modulation to more extreme places and avoid clicks- but also just a wide pallete of modulation, would allow you to almost "draw" lfos with the 8 knobs.
3)The ability to modulate multiple paramters but also control more importantly the ability to set the range of modulation would be handy in setting up boundaries.

Quality of life stuff:
1)I notice that when i map this to modulation sources that it just says "" or "live.knob" if this could be fixed i think it would help with keeping track of complex modulation more easily.
2)Navigating the huge note menu feels very clunky, may be good to just allow you to scroll through the menu without opening it similar to how a lot of other native ableton devices work with selecting pitch.

Not sure how difficult this stuff is to implement, but regardless great device look forward to seeing what else you come up with in the future.
Anyone know if this is still bugged like these comments say?
I notice this doesn't work in ableton 11.1, it does not let you map to external source instead seems to just behave like a normal envelope follower. Would be amazing if you could update this when you get the chance. Personally keeping me from switching to ableton 11.1 at the moment. Such an incredible small change to a versatile modulation source, im suprised the native one doesnt have a side chain function like this, helps keep projects so much more organized.
Curious if theres any way to make this device not override your undo data. Otherwise incredible device really great to see Max developers trying to further integrate Macro Variations as I feel like it isn't something Ableton should do natively.
Nice work!