Device Details


Name | Version: Markov Variations 1.0
Author: ndivuyo
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: FREE FREE FREE device! Use this device to transition between Variations with a Markov Chain (Variations are the new presets/snapshots feature in Ableton Live's Racks). The device detects the stored variations on an assigned Rack, then it transitions between them with probabilities (using Markov Chain). You can change the way that a new transition is triggered (either with a mappable button or automatically at a set interval or when detecting transients). There are features for gliding and changing other functionalities relating to probabilities.

I have included another device in the .zip file that sends a trigger when MIDI notes are received to a mapped parameter. This is useful if you want to trigger transitions from MIDI notes (the additional device is called "Note Trigger Map").




*TO INSTALL* Drop the unzipped folder in: ableton/user library/presets/audio effects/max audio effects. Make sure it is the folder called "Markov Variations" and NOT the folder called "Markov Variations v1.x.x"). LIVE 11 ONLY!!




Live Version Used: 10.1.18
Max Version Used: 8.1.5
Date Added: Mar 04 2021 12:44:23
Date Last Updated: No Updates
Downloads: 0
License: None
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First very nice device, it's very fluid !

Suggest : as well as the recall of variations take accound "Exclude Macro From Variation"
the command spray could depends of "Exclude Macro From Randomization"

Suggest 2 : when we move manually a knobs it causes jump of values. Maybe when a new transition is triggered it could take accound of the current states of the knobs
Curious if theres any way to make this device not override your undo data. Otherwise incredible device really great to see Max developers trying to further integrate Macro Variations as I feel like it isn't something Ableton should do natively.
Nice work!
Hmm I think thats because it glides the macro variations, since it works off that I don't think it is possible because changing macro values adds to undo history and changing macro values is the main function of this device! BTW if anyone was having lagginess with this device thats since been fixed

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