Device Details


Name | Version: Pas a Pas 1.1
Author: vingtdeux
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: Pas à Pas is a m4l midi sequencer where each midi note information has its own sequencer.
The idea came from Maxime Dangles and the great m4l tutorial he made during covid lockdown. I then kept adding more and more features until it became a sequencer that i’m now glad to use.

There is 6 main sequencers :

- Trigger
- Note
- Velocity
- Duration
- +/- Sequencer
- Chord Sequencer

+2 other mod sequencers (click on the white arrow on the right)


Preset save / recal with Morph (interpolation) fonction !
Retrig All, Random All, Clear All steps
Retrigger the sequencers every X bars/beats/16h
Display the names of the sequencers, in case you forgot it


Direction : forward, backward, pendullum and random
Step number : from 1 to 64
Randomize steps
Clear steps
“T” mode : the internal clock stops and now only moves forward when the Trigger sequencer send a trig


Random step : if you change the percentage, it fills the gaps randomly according to this percentage
0 or 1 : all steps off / all steps on

Midi mode : if on, the scale is correlated to the midi input (lik, making Pas à Pas act quite like an arpeggiator. For instance, if you play a C major, the sequencer can only output C, E and G.
Transpose : transpose the result by semitones

Min-Max : min and maximum velocity, from 1 to 127

Duration multiplier : multiply the duration from 0.1 to 10
Quantize duration : quantize duration to the nearest note value

+/- multiplier : the +/- sequencer apply an addition or a subtraction to the note value, from -4 to +4. This parameter multiplies this number from 0 to 12.

Chord multiplier : unlike the +/- sequencer, the chord sequencer triggers a second note, spaced from -12 to 12 semitones to the original note. This can be multiplied from 0 to 12.


A Scale device right after Pas à Pas is a very good idea !
With 64 steps and fast speed, the mod sequencer can work like an LFO. And you can morph through the shapes you made with the preset morph 😀

There is quite a lot of time and adjustments behind this device, so if you enjoy it I would be very happy if you buy me a coffee. Or a sandwich. Or a synth !


Live Version Used: 10.1.18
Max Version Used: 8.3.3
Date Added: Nov 20 2022 12:03:37
Date Last Updated: Jan 19 2025 13:50:31
Downloads: 0
License: None
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Content missing from the Gumroad page after purchase, so unable to download and try this at the moment :)
^^ same. came here to post that. content is missing. clicking "view content" does not go to a page w/a download.
You're right, I forgot to save the gumroad haha ! It should work now :-)
^^^^ What they said - no file to download on gum road. sequencer looks promising, can't wait to check it!
it's there now - thanks!!!
this is a definite winner, thanks for sharing it!
this is a definite winner, thanks for sharing it!
This is great! Agree about the scale device tip :)

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